How to make an affordable deal while buying new car tyres?

James Joe
4 min readJun 8, 2024


Car tyres are precious for your car. Therefore, buying high-quality tyres is your prime duty if you are a responsible car driver. At least your tyres should comply with basic safety guidelines. When you buy new tyres quality should come in mind in the first place. However, your efforts to make an affordable deal are justified. Everyone wants to make affordable deals at the time of buying necessary things from the market.

However, you have to realize that the case of car tyres is different. Car tyres are necessary for the safety and performance of your vehicle. Therefore, making a balance between quality and your budget is necessary to make a good decision. Conclusively, do not ignore quality when you buy Tyre Suppliers Birmingham to make an affordable deal.

A wide range of tyres is available in the market. A lot of brands are making different categories of tyres. You are fortunate since you can choose your ideal tyres from a large range of car tyres. However, the same condition can increase your confusion because of tyres that have similar traits. Moreover, price is always a decisive factor when you visit a deal to buy new tyres.

If we consider the cost of car tyres, there are mainly three categories of car tyres. These categories are mainly based on their cost. Experts call these categories budget tyres, mid-range tyres and premium tyres.

Let us have a look at these three categories!

Budget tyres:

As the name of these tyres suggests, these tyres are available in the market at the cheapest price. Price has a link with the quality. It means you cannot compare the quality of budget tyres with the quality of premium tyres. Do not think that buying budget tyres is a bad decision because of their cheap price and quality. Makers of budget tyres have to follow minimum quality standards. Therefore, your budget tyres will provide optimum quality and performance in normal driving conditions.

Budget tyres are not as durable as premium or mid-range tyres. They provide less traction in wet condition and their braking distance is also longer than normal level on a wet surface. Therefore, you can buy these tyres if you have to drive only in dry road conditions.

Budget tyres are good for car drivers in the following conditions:

If you do not use your car very often, you can buy budget tyres. Moreover, if you drive your vehicle to reach your office and home daily, budget tyres will easily fulfil your goals.

If you do not have enough cash and you have to replace your faulty tyre urgently, you can buy a set of budget tyres.

Budget tyres will support you in dry conditions. Therefore, you can surely choose budget tyres in supportive conditions.


This category of tyres is not more durable than budget tyres. Mid-range tyres offer optimum quality and performance on roads but they are not more efficient than premium tyres. Manufacturing methods in premium and mid-range tyres have no difference. However, materials in both categories are different because of the cost factors. Tyre makers have affordability in their minds when they make mid-range tyres. Therefore, they use different materials while making premium and mid-range tyres.

You can use mid-range tyres if you drive your car more frequently and want affordable and high-quality tyres. However, you have to consider the weather and road conditions of your place. Extremely harsh conditions deserve premium tyres.

If you are sure that mid-range tyres can bear the weather and road conditions of your place, you can buy a set of these tyres.

If you are not an aggressive and ambitious driver, you can easily drive your vehicle on mid-range tyres.

Premium tyres:

Premium tyres are precious but they are highly efficient on roads at the same time. You have to pay the highest cost for these tyres because leading brands make these tyres with the use of modern tools and technologies. Moreover, manufacturers use high-quality materials to bring these tyres to the market.

Before making a set of premium tyres, tyre manufacturers spend considerable time in proper research and development. Moreover, they have strict testing professionals to eliminate even a single chance of manufacturing defects.

You can buy premium tyres for your vehicle if you drive mostly in harsh and unfavourable road conditions. Moreover, bad weather also deserves the assistance of premium tyres. If your vehicle has to cover long distances because of personal or commercial objectives, you need a premium for your vehicle.


When you buy new tyres, you have to think about a lot of factors like cost, quality and performance. Your decision to buy new tyres will reach a happy end if you create a healthy balance between these factors. Cost matters are important but quality and performance have equal importance at the same time.

Therefore, you have to consider your driving goals and the conditions of your place before buying a new set of tyres for your vehicle. Premium tyres offer superior performance but you don’t need to buy these tyres. If mid-range or budget tyres satisfy your goals, you should buy these cheaper categories.



James Joe

hi i am digital marketing manager at tyrelabtrade. i have 10 year experience in seo industry and cirrently working for tyrelabtrade