Have a simple oral health routine

2 min readMar 15, 2024


Your oral health is a vital part of your physical health. Oral health can reduce the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's; and heart disease, and it keeps your gums and teeth clean. It’s an all-in-one package that also makes you feel awesome!


Watch this and you’ll get an in-depth understanding of oral health.

While you’re still reading, I might as well hype you up by telling you 3 facts from this episode (There’s way more!):

  • Cavities are not caused by sugar, they’re caused by bacteria that feed on sugar.
  • The purpose of brushing your teeth is to remove biofilm and plaque (Stuff that promotes bacteria).
  • Getting sleep is actually critical for oral microbiome (Collection of microorganisms in the mouth/oral cavity) health.

There’s much more content such as the ‘Don’ts of Oral Health’.

My simple routine


After my morning routine, brush my teeth (To clean them up, etc.) and floss to clean the parts my toothbrush couldn’t reach and I rinse my mouth if I feel that it’s necessary on that day (Optional).

It's the same at night when I’m winding down.

If you’re anything like me, you can’t be bothered to use the normal floss string, I’d rather use toothpick floss for convenience.

Source: Toothpick Floss Image

Simple! Brush teeth → Floss → Rinse Mouth If Necessary.

Slowly implement it

Start by brushing your teeth once a day if you’re not consistent. Then build from there once you get used to doing it. Brush twice a day. Afterwards, try stacking your habits by flossing right after you brush. Floss once a day then twice a day…

Essentially, slowly get used to doing the habit and build off from there. Add more. Progressive overload!

Again, this is some stuff that you can try out and if they don’t work, that’s fine! You’ve learnt something new either way. Have an amazing day folks.




Young man creating poetry and stories that convey a lesson.