Don’t Put It Off Until Tomorrow

Tyson Brown
4 min readMar 14, 2017


“I’ll do it later.”

“I’m Going to start my diet on Monday”

“I’m going to start exercising as soon as work settles down”

We have all made excuses before in some area of our life, and we constantly put off the things we know we should do. So many people go through their lives staying in their comfort zone, not wanting to stray from the crowd or try something different.

They’re happy being regular old Joe Blow who goes to work, comes home watches T.V, browses the internet and eats crappy food. They are happy with their routine and in their little bubble because it’s safe and nobody can hurt them. But while it might not affect you in the short-term, your long-term health is going to suffer.

People don’t want to change, they don’t want to take action towards being healthier or fitter because they’re “too scared to fail”, “too lazy to try something new” or “too tired”. All of these excuses are BS! The human mind is the most powerful tool we have and when we can train our mind to become stronger our whole life will change.

I used to be that person.

I used to be scared of going to the gym because I thought other people would laugh at me, I used to be scared of trying to lose weight because it meant that I could have to cut out some of the foods I enjoyed and stop being a pig. But after a few years, I

But after a few years, I realised it was more painful to be overweight and have low self-confidence. I hated waking up, looking in the mirror and having this big gut starting back at me. I regret not taking action earlier!Don’t waste your time like

I regret not taking action earlier and I don’t want you to waste your time like like I did. Don’t avoid doing what you know you need to do.

Start Today

It doesn’t matter whether you’re reading this on Wednesday night, Friday Afternoon or Monday morning, now is the best time to get started. If it’s 9:00 pm at night the first action step you can take is throwing out all of the crappy food that’s in your pantry. Don’t be the “average” person, and make excuses. Don’t say your will start tomorrow or next week.

Do you need to lose a few pounds? Want to gain some muscle? it doesn’t matter what you want to do you just need take ONE step towards that goal now!

No ifs or buts, don’t give me some explanation on why you can’t. If you can’t take one step towards your goal and can only think of excuses of why you can’t then you don’t deserve the goal you want to achieve.

Sorry to sound like such an asshole but it’s the truth. People get fit and in shape because they actually want to achieve it, they think of ways how they CAN achieve it and not what’s holding them back, this is what separates the winners from the losers, the doers from the procrastinators, the healthy from the unhealthy.

You need to think about your life and where you want to go. If you want to be comfortable and are happy with just having poor health then that’s fine but just remember you will always have that thought in the back of your head thinking what if I did take care of my health and fitness? Would I live longer? What would my life be like? Don’t go to your grave living a life of regret.

No one ever said they regret taking care of their health and fitness.

This is actually why I decided to become a personal trainer after making the transformation myself. I want to inspire and teach others on how they can take action to live a healthier and better lives. To show them how they can get the results they want, how guys can lose weight and look great.

I am here to help you every step of the way. If you have struggles with taking action then I want you to reach out so that I can help you reach your goals. I will be the person who helps you towards where you want to go.

Email: if you need any help

