How Much Fat Do You Need?

Tyson Brown
1 min readAug 13, 2018



The second most important macro is fats. Why? Because fats are required for hormonal function such as testosterone, insulating and protecting our vital organs and our body needs a certain amount a day that we can’t produce naturally which is why it’s so important. Fat used to get a bad rap but now the tables have turned and it appears that fat isn’t as bad for you as we thought it might be, but too much fat can lead to problems too, which is why I’m going to make some safe suggestions for you. If you choose to eat more than recommended that’s completely fine.

The minimum amount of fat you would want to consume is about .6g per kg of bodyweight which if you were a 70kg male would be 42g of fat. However, I’d recommend going a little higher and choosing 1g per kg of bodyweight, which means you’d be consuming 70g a day.

Now fat is the highest in calories out of all macronutrients at a whopping 9 calories per gram. So, in this case, we would multiply 70 by 9 to figure out how many calories are coming from fat.

70 x 9 = 630 calories.

So if 630 calories are coming from fat and 560 calories are coming from protein, that’s 1190 calories used up of your 1900 calorie allowance for losing weight. Which brings us to our last macro.

