Install OpenWrt on your router

Tzu Hao Chung
2 min readOct 7, 2023


Step one by one to setup OpenWrt on your router

Install OpenWrt in your router

Find the snapshot for your router. Go to OpenWrt hardware list

It needs a while to show the list.

In the column Model, input your router model and press “ENTER”. The click the link **-factory.img to download the image if this is first time to install.

Go to your router’s administrator page, find the option to upgrade firmware and apply. It should take few minutes to finish.

Open the browser and go to It should requires to input account and password. Use account “root” and default password “root” to login. You should see below page. Then it is working!

If your ISP plan is using DHCP which ISP vendor dynamically assign IP for your, right now you should be able to connect to internet. Find the block “Network”, it should use DHCP client and have IP address already.




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