Here’s what you can do to help regarding the war in Ukraine.

2 min readMar 2, 2022


We stand with all innocent victims of the ongoing conflicts in our world,
leaving their land, homes, jobs, lives and loved ones behind.

Let’s be reminded that any crisis, no matter how big or small, how close or far from your home, could have catastrophic consequences for our entire world.
Our empathy and despair should be inclusive to all victims of injustice.

Stay educated on ongoing conflicts.

Be cautious of misinformation being spread through social media.
Don’t let Western media make you forget about what’s happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia and Ethiopia.

Raise awareness

Share initiatives that show how to help out victims. From locations where you can donate, offer shelter or demonstrate, to the stories of people updating on their current situations and needs.

Make sure you don't leave out marginalised groups while doing so. Here's a list on how to not only help out children, women and elderly, but also the LGBTQ+ community, black students and disabled people.
Don't forget there's lots of animals in need too.
Check out how to help them here.


Another easy step is to donate money. Make sure you pick legitimate organisations. Most large international aid organisations that are currently working in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, where a growing number of displaced people are fleeing, are:

If you're located in or near Amsterdam, here's a list on how you can help and donate locally. If you're located in or near Rotterdam, check out this list.

Here are links to donate to Dutch organisations: Stichting Vluchteling, Because We Carry, Rode Kruis en Giro 555.

Ukrainian truck drivers have their bank accounts frozen and are looking for donations to be able to receive food, water and other needs. You can help them by donating to Stichting Chauffeursnieuws & Transporteffect.

If you would like to offer shelter to fugitives check out:
RoomForUkraine, Help & Shelter for Ukraine en Host a Sister.


Another way you can help is by demonstrating. The Ukrainians want their story to be heard and told as much as possible all over the world. Therefore it's important to let your nation's government know that we demand stronger sanctions against Russia.

Updates on initiatives

Donate to For All Who Love Foundation to help and support bipoc, LGBTQIA+ refugees from Ukraine.

Donate to OutRight Action International to help and support trans(wo)men stuck in Ukraine.

Drop off aid supplies for Ukraine at het Nieuwe instituut, every day between 10:00 and 17:00.

We'll be continuously updating on how to help.
We stand with everyone whom is caught and oppressed by this brutal insanity. Physically, spiritually and mentally.

We hope that unity will thrive and grant freedom to all humans.
Whoever you are. Whoever you love. Wherever you're from. ❤




We're a design studio for radical impact based in Amsterdam.