Numeric Data Types and Summary Functions in SQL

3 min readNov 9, 2022


Let’s first take a look at what kind of Numeric data type in SQL:


We can choose what kind of type we want to get as an output.

Function for Numeric data

min(): minimum value

max(): maximum value

avg(): average value


  • Population variance : var_pop()
  • Sample variance: var_samp() / same as variance()

Standard deviation:

  • Population Standard Deviation: stddev_pop()
  • Sample Standard Deviation: stddev_samp() / stddev()



This is very useful using with grouping:

Case study:

We got a data “stackoverflow” as below:

Summarize the distribution of the number of questions with the tag “dropbox” on Stack Overflow per day by binning the data.

We first create boundary: lower/upper

then count the question, combine the boundary with our data.


corr(): correlation between

Case study:

  • Compute the mean (avg()) and median assets of Fortune 500 companies by sector.
  • Use the percentile_disc() function to compute the median

We can create temp table to simplify a query

While you can join the results of multiple similar queries together with UNION, sometimes it's easier to break a query down into steps. You can do this by creating a temporary table and inserting rows into it.

Compute the correlations between each pair of profits, profits_change, and revenues_change from the Fortune 500 data.

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Christina Maimone: EXPLO RATO RY DATA ANALYSIS IN SQL, datacamp




Self taught — Data Analyst | Business Intelligence Specialist | Business Analyst | Data scientist