Make (A) Great Again! answer to “Popes of anarchism”


We translated the lovely text from Make (A) Great Again channel for our friends who can’t read in Ukrainian or Russian, but support us and interested in the local context.

The “War and anarchists: libretarian’s prospects in Ukraine” article on CrimethInc. received mixed comments from the readers. There were solid arguments coming from friendly groups and specific people but also “Popes of anarchism” so to say whose only achievements are divorced from reality articles aimed to life coach Ukrainians and their symphatizers. To avoid any ambiguity, we encourage our comrades to apply Occam’s razor when dealing with opponents’ takes. Here is our stance: if you are outside of Ukraine right now, all your negative feedback is immediately thrown out of the window.

As long as you are located in a state with a nuclear arsenal, as long as you consume imperialist propaganda; do not live thinking about a possible evacuation; do not have a fear of friends who you 10 years ago attended punk concerts with dying; do not wake up in the middle of a night due to fireworks that you mistake for Russian artillery or airborne strikes — you do not have the right to tell Ukraininan comrades (or Russian, Belarussian, and all other folks currently in Ukraine) how to live and act. No matter how many times you declare the Kremlin to be your archenemy yet here is a simple fact to keep in mind: nuclear war in Europe and WW3 in general will probably not happen because of Ukraine which even in the nearest future, even theoretically will not be able to apply for NATO membership. That way, you, the Kremlin’s enemy, are a little more privileged than the people in the denuclearized state.

Yes, old Marx’s theory that existence influences the consciousness — rejected by anarchists as an absolutist dogma — fits the best here.

If you would like to criticise us, come to Ukraine, Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, Lviv, or any other city. Meet us and dispute our points. Live here for some time and only then build up your ideal theories followed by ideal practical implementations. Then, we will hear you out. Otherwise, we expect support from you, or well-rounded criticism directed to something that aids us. We expect you to organize anti-war marches; to sabotage weapon and military equipment manufacturing facilities; to encourage Russian soldiers drop their weapons and defect; to call for strikes that are necessary for shrinking Russia’s military capabilities. If you are not doing anything of these, then either support people living in Ukraine or keep quiet. We understand the fear of ending up in prison, yet death from Russian proxies’ shelling is not better; that being said, if you are afraid, just do not speak for something you have no idea about thus leaving Ukrainian comrades — that know better because of being on the ground alone — of their subjectivity.

Still, there are positive things we would like to make a note of in connection with the publication. It is great that the article is translated into different languages increasing the audience. Seems like anarchists around the globe want real action instead of theorizing. Hopefully, this is just the beginning, and we will be able to do together way more than just endlessly criticize each other because of anger, envy, fear, or cultist prejudice.

Would like to send best wishes to the comrades and activists in Russia that support us with constructive criticism, direct action, or simply a warm word — be it publicly or privately. Your voices are truly imporant and united we for sure will defeat the monster.

Original text is here.

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