Pink&Black: Kyiv Queer Resistance pt. 1

We start the publication of the materials about queer-anarchists in Ukraine. We got 4 interviews for you to discover the topic and learn more about queer activism in Kyiv and all over our country.

Матеріал українською
Материал на русском

1) Tell us about yourself?

My name is K. Currently I mostly do art & activism. I don’t like cliches, but I think my views can be best described as queer anarchism.

2) What is queer from your perspective?

For me, being queer is a denial of the “normal” mode; this concept is not just about sexuality. To be a queer individual is to stand against a repressive system: white cis-hetero-capitalism.


3) What is queer anarchism and what would you recommend to read on the subject?

This is a modern political theory, which can be summarized in the following statements. Queer anarchism is a struggle to destroy oppressive structures, such as gender binary, cisnormativity, heteronormativity, and so on. Trans and gender queer people are at the forefront of this struggle. The state controls our sexuality and gender. Looking at your passport, Police Officer knows what your genitals are like. It is beneficial to the system that all the privileges belong to white cis-men who are afraid of losing their exclusive position in society and show their fear through aggressive behavior. Capitalism benefits from marginalized groups earning less.

In addition, queer anarchism is not limited to the struggle for queer and trans liberation. It is intersectional and includes the fight against racism, ableism, misogyny, and climate injustice. One of my favorite articles on queer anarchism is “Toward the queerest insurrection”.

4) What do you do within the framework of queer activism?

I believe that being a queer and a trans person is already an attack on society. So for queer and trans person, just existing in Kyiv is a form of activism. My main activity is related to Rebel Queers — a group of queer activists. We leave queer writings on the walls of the city and in this way regain the right to it. But aside from that, I do a lot of other things. The funny situation happened with the AKS (local neo-nazi group): their logo is easy to be turned into “A in a circle” or other related symbols. They get pissed off with us a lot, so the far rights often publish our activities on their channels, and sometimes spread the data of random people, saying: “Look! We found out who is operating Rebel Queer movement! “

5) We noticed that RQ uses the symbols of Satanism. Can you tell us more about it?

The Christian religion denies queer people, and many homophobes use it to justify their hate. Mentioning Satanism is just a way of saying that we don’t care if your god hates us. We‘re going to be ourselves no matter what. Society demonizes people who do not fit into its concept of “normality”. And if Society demonizes me, then being myself means denying Society. Therefore, Satanism is simply an acceptance of the “demonicity” that Society puts myself into.

We often leave the writing “be queer do crime hail Satan”.

Being a queer person is perceived by society as a crime. So, just being queer, we are already committing a “crime”.

This inscription only calls for the acceptance of demonized and alienated parts of oneself, even if it means confrontation with Society. If being a queer person is a crime and includes demonizing us, then we accept this fate and choose to be ourselves.

6. How can you describe the Kyiv / Ukrainian LGBTQ + community? What is its composition, what is it?

The queer community in Kyiv is very diverse. Most of my queer friends are left. But I know there are many liberals and even queer nationalists (whatever that means). Personally, I believe that being a queer and a centrist at the same time means being afraid of losing your privileges. Therefore, people prefer to assimilate (normalize queerness inside the System) and be accepted by a capitalist, racist and transphobic society, instead of fighting it. Queer nationalism is some kind of bullshit and there is nothing to comment on.

7) What is your attitude to LGBTQ + organizations? KyivPride, UkrainePride, Insight, etc.?

Out of these three liberal organizations, I have a pretty good attitude to Insight, because they are the only ones who once in a while do something for queer people. And the agendas of KyivPride and UkrainePride are not close to me.

8. What is your attitude to Ukrainian right?

Honestly, I don’t give a damn about them. Everything I do is for queer people, and if at times they’re pissed with what we do, it feels like fun, but it’s not my goal.

9. What is your attitude to the Ukrainian left?

It seems to me that Ukrainian left lack initiative. At the same time, there is too much drama. There are too many interpersonal conflicts and fights.

10. What do you think about the Liberals and the political center?

Liberals are those who fight for the assimilation of the queer people and do not include other marginalized groups in their struggle.

11. How do you feel about the war and Russian aggression?

I think this is a war against fascism and authoritarianism impersonated by Putin. I am not close to anti-Russian sentiment (Russophobia) which is becoming quite popular among Ukrainian liberals and the rights. I don’t think people should hate each other just because of the delusive notion of “nation.”

12. How do you see the queer utopia?

The world where a person is born and their genitals do not determine their life.


13. What would you like to wish our audience?

Awareness and strength to fight.

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