Visitor Management System: Revolutionize Your Front Desk

Ubeninc Technologies
2 min readMar 18, 2019
Working cycle of Vzita, visitor management system

With so many debates over the installation of smart and digital platform for visitor management, there are still some questions which keep doing rounds with the doubt and uncertainty of the advantages of the tablet-based sign-in process. There are premises which are running visitor management on paper-based system and are dependent on their manual staff for the security of their employees and premises.

In short, they believe that in tech-savvy world, they can still be dependent on conventional methods of visitor management. Well, they can surely do it, but while doing it, they are simply compromising the safety and security of not only their premises but also of their employees. Here are some key advantages of tablet-based sign-in process over conventional methods of visitor management:

1. Maintain Visitors’ database: One of the most leveraged benefit of the advanced tablet-based sing-in process is it keeps the records of visitors in a proper and organised manner. Under any circumstances, you can have the access of your visitors’ details through closed based storage.

2. 3-Phase authentication of your visitors: Vzita verifies all the visitors through its 3-phase authentication. It verifies mobile number via OTP, captures visitor photograph at the time of visit and sends visitor pass to the email id. All the details are stored in a cloud-based storage from where it can be accessed by authorised login only.

3. Print Visitor badges: Visitor management system offers option to print visitor’s badge with all the info provided by the visitor at the time of check-in. It also keeps the records of visitors in a proper and organized format in a cloud-based storage.

4. Access the data from anywhere at any-time: Have you ever wondered how many visitors visit your premises when you are not available? Vzita, visitor management system comes with the feature of approving the visit only after your approval. It notifies you every-time any of your guest is coming to meet you.

5. Create pre-visit: Vzita also offers the option of creating pre-visit for your invited guest. You can send the invitation to your guest with the QR code which approves the entry after getting scanned by Vzita in premises.

We cannot overlook the importance of visitor management when it comes to ensuring the premises’ security. Maintaining a paper-based visitors’ log is not enough to cater all the important aspects of security. Vzita, visitor management system by Ubeninc Technologies can cater all the requirements of a visitor management system wherein all the details can be verified through OTP, Visitors’ image can be captured, visit can be allowed after approval of host and many other such features.



Ubeninc Technologies

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