Demystifying State Management in Flutter: An In-Depth Exploration

Jordan Goulet
11 min readJul 6, 2023

State management is a fundamental concept in all application development frameworks, and Flutter is no exception. State management is about how an app can manage and update the data it uses. In Flutter, there are several techniques and tools you can use to manage state, and the most appropriate one often depends on the complexity and requirements of the app you’re building. In this post, I want to go through some excellent ways to manage your application states based on specific needs.

Flutter State Management
Flutter State Management

Why Do We Need To Manage States Properly?

Suppose you’re developing an e-commerce app where a user can browse through a variety of products, add them to their shopping cart, and finally proceed to checkout. The shopping cart’s data (which includes items added, quantities, prices, etc.) is crucial, and changes made to it should be reflected across the entire app. For instance:

  • Product Listing Screen: If a user adds a product to the cart, the UI should reflect this (for example, by showing an “In Cart” badge on the product).
  • Cart Screen: This screen should always display up-to-date information about all the items in the cart, their quantities, and the total price.
  • Product Detail Screen: If a product is already in the cart…



Jordan Goulet

Passionate software dev & Flutter enthusiast. Reach me at Twitter @jordan_goulet or @UbermenschDevel or visit!