Winning the App Store Game: Understanding the Algorithm

Jordan Goulet
6 min readSep 11, 2023

Welcome to the second installment of my ASO series. If you haven’t read the introductory post, you can access it here. This post will concentrate on various methods to enhance a mobile app’s visibility. While keyword optimization (KWO) is the most widely recognized method, helping users discover your app in the app stores, there are alternative strategies to boost its visibility. So, let’s dive in without further delay!

Understanding the ASO Algorithm
Understanding the ASO Algorithm

The Algorithm

First, let’s examine the ‘search algorithm’ used by the app stores to rank and display apps in the search results when a user enters a query. However, it is important to note that the details of these algorithms are proprietary and not publicly disclosed. However, some testing has revealed certainties about the algorithm. Here is an overview of what the algorithms use to determine the app’s ranking:

  • Keyword Optimization: How well the app is optimized for relevant keywords. This includes the choice of keywords in the app’s title, description, and keyword field (for the Apple App Store).
  • Relevance: How closely the app’s description, title, and keywords match the search query.
  • Quality: This includes user ratings and reviews. An app with higher ratings and positive reviews is likely to rank higher in the search…



Jordan Goulet

Passionate software dev & Flutter enthusiast. Reach me at Twitter @jordan_goulet or @UbermenschDevel or visit!