A Journey Well Taken

3 min readJun 18, 2019


On Becoming A Digital Marketer (My Udacity Journey)

I am starting this post with a deep breath and a big smile on my face because I’m so excited to share the past 9 months of my life with you.

Since 2017 when I left my first job at Hotels.ng, I have been in a state of limbo because every other job I’ve had seemed rather dull with work environments that were not up to my standards. At some point, I asked myself, what if you are the problem NANCY? As funny as this sounds, it was a serious question and a serious problem.

Amidst the whole personal question and answer sessions and hard time, I never stopped pushing. I stopped knowing what I liked or loved, everything had a fault to me at that point even though I was still the biggest Cheerleader to my friends and everyone around me (This is me saying that your most lively friend might just be going through the hardest time and still put a smile on your face).

Moving forward, after spending so much time worrying and ending up not achieving anything, I decided to “give myself brain”. What I did was very simple. I took out time for just myself alone. Off social media, phone calls or other means of communication asides emails. All I did during that time was making a note of things I genuinely love and won’t be bored doing. Of course, culinary was at the top of my list. Funny right? “I know” in your best Monica Geller impression. If you are wondering who Monica Geller is, kindly see “Friends” — the series. I also remembered how my friends think I have OCD especially when it comes to untidy environment so I added cleaning to the list and I said to myself, what if I build something that helps keep people’s environment clean and also provide quality meals on-demand (Having my own world-class restaurant has always been a very big part of my dream).

Anyway, I spoke to my greatest Cheerleader (Jonathan) and of course, he bought all of the ideas, and immediately, I started drawing up a plan and he, being a developer built the website — ubernancy.com. while I was drafting down the contents and I got a video tutorial on setting up for SEO and this drove the entirety of my content generation strategy, I can clearly remember not sleeping for days making sure everything was just perfect.

Okay, we were done and what was left was marketing so your girl decided to take the Online Marketing Fundamentals by Google, Project Management course on Coursera, Email Marking course on Hubspot Academy, Food Photography course on Udemy and other random social media marketing blog posts. It all made sense, business was doing great, social media ads started to pay off and I wanted moreeee and knew I wanted to go back to work as a Digital Marketer while the business keeps running 100% on the side.

I thought of the Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree program because I had heard so many great things about it but the cost was too much for me at that moment. One afternoon, I was in the kitchen preparing a client’s order when Jonathan sent me a link to Ire’s Udacity scholarship. It was all I wanted so I started the application and yes the food got burnt and I had to remake it because of the attention I gave to the application. (I worked for it and I got it)!

It has been almost two weeks into the degree and I have loved every bit of it and I have learnt a whole lot (Thank you Ire for this opportunity).

If you are wondering why I am so excited, You should check out Udacity’s Digital Marketing Nanodegree #Udacity_DMND.

