The Longest Novels in the World.

Uber Toque
8 min readJun 14, 2022

Some people have big book phobias, and for those people, please consider clicking off this article. Today we are delving into the longest novels in history.

For some background, I recently started reading the Lord of the Rings. It’s a pretty popular series that I’ve missed out on. Until now. I’ve seen the movies of course. I’m not a crazy person. But I never read the books. Or should I say book? In the introduction of LoTR, the author’s son explains that his father considered LoTR one long novel and that the publisher broke it into the three (still decent length) installments we know it as now.

LOTR as one edition

Anyways, LoTR being considered one long novel got me thinking about what else is out there in the big novel world. Although that seems like an understatement. What else is out there in the GIANT novel world? Better.

Note from editing me on this article. It ended up being a longer article than anticipated so sorry about that. Although it does suit the subject matter way too well that this is a long article.


Who doesn’t love some qualifiers before a list, let’s establish some rules. It turns out this is a bit of a contemptuous topic online. So for this list, we’re considering the work one novel if that’s how the author describes it. And we’re not using how the work was published.



Uber Toque

I read a lot and write about that reading I suppose… Among other things.