What are the secrets of a good banner?

Ubex AI
5 min readFeb 19, 2020


Banners are one of the most common forms of online advertising, which allows increasing online traffic. Banners are clickable images on web pages that demonstrate a product or brand and follow a link to the advertiser’s website. In one form or another, most companies use them, because they are an affordable, measurable and effective medium for increasing brand awareness.

The design of web banners involves the creation of the most clickable advertising objects. There is a whole branch of web design focusing on creating effective advertising banners.

1. Use the most effective standard banner sizes

The Google Adsense contextual advertising service mentions the following parameters and formats the most successful:

728 × 90 px — long banner, leaderboard (Leaderboard),

300 × 600 px — half page banner (Half Page),

300 × 250 px — Medium Rectangle,

336 × 280 px — a large rectangle (Large Rectangle).

2. Place banners correctly

Buy a place on the site on top of the fold line (Above The Fold) close to the main content of the page, then your design will be visible to everyone.

3. Rely on proven and convenient design interfaces. The Ubex Ad Exchange offers a highly intuitive and interactive dashboard for creating all kinds of banners.

4. Keep it simple

Let your graphic elements and content be simple, but catchy. Most likely, visitors will only look at the banner once and this look will last no more than a second.

5. Implement the buttons wisely

Buttons increase click-through rate (CTR). Place them after the text, closer to the lower right corner. Use a contrasting color and do not forget about the taste! Buttons should have a consistent design throughout the entire set of advertisements.

6. Frame your banners

Our eyes immediately rush to the objects in the frame. Effective banners use crisp frames and graphics that extend beyond the edges of the square. If the background of the advertisement is white, then a single-pixel gray border is usually drawn around it.

7. Make text instantly readable.

The title and body should be of different sizes. All the text should not exceed four lines:

It is undesirable to use italic or handwritten fonts, very thin spelling, write text only in capital letters or use a font less than 10 pt (unless it is a statement of limited liability or copyright information).

8. Apply animation

Animated banners, as a rule, perform better than static ones, but you need to make sure that they do not distract from the main message of advertising:

Use simple animations that last no more than 15 seconds and loop no more than three times. A good idea is to make the last frame a clear call to action.

9. Organically complemented, standing out

The confidence of viewers is more deserving of advertising in the style of the site on which it appears. However, do not merge with the site completely. The banner should be visible, its purpose is to attract attention:

10. Keep in touch with the brand

The link from the banner leads to the landing with your offer. Make sure that the advertisement matches your branding and landing page design, otherwise potential customers will have questions.

11. Inspire a sense of urgency

Visually urgency is created by bold contrasting colors. Banners should not be modest and inconspicuous.

12. Fine arts chosen wisely

Graphics and photographs should be relevant to the product. Their goal is to better convey the message. No abstractions. Can’t afford professional photographers and models? Pay for quality stock photos. You can find original illustrations or order graphics for the designer.

Images are generally not required. Masterfully composed text and successful typography will create a similar effect.

13. Choose suitable colors.

Each color has its own association. It is important to think about what type of emotions you awaken in the audience, because it is the color scheme that is the first thing that people notice in design.

The science of color is subjective, and in different cultures colors have different associations. Examine your target audience before choosing shades. Here are examples of emotions evoked by different colors in Westerners:

  • Red is passion, rage, arousal and love. A powerful color that attracts many, but it is better to use it carefully. Avoid red if you want a classic, mature, serious look.
  • Orange — playfulness and enthusiasm. Unlike aggressive red, orange energizes. A great choice for a call to action button.
  • Yellow — joy, sunshine, friendliness. Yellow attracts the eye and radiates energy, creates a feeling of youth and affordability.
  • Green — health, freshness, wealth, environment, growth, care and the beginning of something new. Our eyes are pleased to look at him.
  • Blue — security, trust, clarity, maturity, serenity, intelligence, formality, restoration of strength, coldness and masculinity. This color is present in more than half of all logos in the world.
  • Violet — luxury, grandeur, extravagance, wisdom, magic, femininity and creativity. It has a calming effect on viewers.
  • Pink — love, sympathy, femininity, youth and children. Usually pink is associated with something feminine, but it all depends on the tone and brightness.
  • Black — exclusivity, mystery, modernity, power, prestige, luxury and formality. The traditional choice, in particular black text on a white background, is the most readable color combination.
  • White — virginity, purity, modernity, sterility, simplicity, honesty and innocence. Creates a sense of economic justification and involvement in youth.
  • Brown — nature, wood, leather, seriousness, masculinity, stubbornness / stiffness and modesty. Brown creates a balance between stronger colors and therefore works well as a background.
  • Gray is neutral and practical. When used as a background, it enhances the rest of the colors.

14. Maintain small file sizes

The smaller, the better — less than 150 kb, as recommended by Google Adwords. Ads need to load quickly, otherwise visitors will scroll down the page without noticing it.


The given article was a general overview of some of the most popular and time-proven methods of increasing conversions. The classic form of an offer is in the form of a banner → switch to landing → subscription to newsletter → Lead Nurturing

Creating a landing page is also as much an art as it is a matter of applying experience. But no matter what the content and ad format, the Ubex platform will always be ready to help place them effectively and with the help of AI that will optimize displays for maximum efficiency of audience reach. And don’t forget that you can now create a banner right on our platform, no html knowledge needed!

