Significant details about our new partners CryptoTribunal and our cooperation.

2 min readSep 4, 2019


Through the CryptoTribunal, Ubikiri provides a platform for consolidating defrauded token holders in order to take collective actions and persecute scam projects.

This platform will have two types of participants. The first type is the victims, and the second is the professionals we will use to search for criminals and prosecute them — lawyers, detectives, analysts, etc. As well as seeking justice, we are also aiming to recover victims lost funds.

With this platform, we can work to cleanse the whole market of fraudulent activity, uncovering and solving pre-existing scams, and preventing them from occurring in the future.

However, please note that our platform is providing this as a service, and does not collect funds, guarantee refunds, or represent either party involved.

Who are our targets?

In general, our targets are the founders of fraudulent projects who have illegally collected quite a substantial amount of money using their real names. They raised money, flew from one conference to the other — by first class or business, lived in expensive hotels, and continued to live a lavish lifestyle for years using raised funds. These people rarely conceal their identity and find it difficult to remain under the radar with their lifestyle. There is a large possibility that they still have some of the raised funds in their possession — in movable or immovable assets.

How it will work?

We rank fraudulent projects by the following criteria: the amount of stolen funds, and the activity of the community. Professionals will also base their work on this ranking, from the initial stage to the refund.

In order to finance the next stage of the procedure, there will be a fundraising event. These stages are not expensive. There are many of them, but each of them is ‘low-value’ and allows the next step to proceed. This is intended to save money. If we reach a certain stage and it becomes clear that what we are doing has no prospect of success, we have then avoided spending huge sums on useless research.

How it will be organized?

To organize interaction within each community movement, we plan to create a special blockchain, called a Consilium, which will be a private blockchain containing representatives for the community movement who are given supervising rights. These representatives will consist of an association of lawyers.

They will offer those, who have been defrauded, the opportunity to use them as their representatives to recover funds that have been invested in fraudulent projects. They will then make an offer — a trust agreement — to become an attorney for those persons who have accepted this offer.

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