Carina K.
2 min readNov 13, 2016


“Man is born free, yet he is everywhere in chains.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

How often we repeat this word «my», which means accessory in respect of people who are close to us: my friend, my brother, my love… and we dont think about it — it is customary.

Long time ago in the course of philosophy I was faced with the discussion of this topic — «Proprietary» relationship to loved ones. In fact, in the same way we talk about things we own, meaning our undivided right for them. But the people…

Why we let it towards people? We say “my” and already there are some special requirements for man; we set out the conditions of behavior; arise complaints and accusations. In the end we come to the fact, that we are depriving a person of his freedom, his personal space, desires, actions.

And this is already a conflict: each of us realizes for himself his personal freedom and jealous of any encroachment on it, nevertheless we allow ourselves to limit the freedom of the other person. And often, behind unfamiliar people(in the superficial relationships) we acknowledge more rights than for closest and dearest people. Somehow it is not fair…

Although, in general probably the relationship is a compromise. And, of course, we will be pleased to hear: “my daughter,” “my lovely”… And we can give up something for the sake of a loved one and dear person, and it will be only a pleasure. Maybe thats is?

And still I wondered how can be replaced the word “my”, referring to the close people for us… but there is no certain answer…