The challenge of urban mobility

Pick by Ubirider
2 min readApr 23, 2019


Mobility underpins everything we do as individuals; as communities; as regional, national and international economies. Yet it is widely cited as one of the most intractable and universal challenges faced by cities the world over.

Historically, mobility has been viewed largely as a product, which includes the vehicles, physical infrastructure and fuels required to move people around. Increasingly, however, mobility is approached as a service.

By supplementing urban planning and management practices with digital technologies, there is an opportunity to improve mobility services for citizens, while managing a growing demand on physical transport networks and generating wider economic and environmental value.

In the move towards a more sustainable transport, demand must be addressed as part of a package of long-term strategies which are able to bring measurable economic and environmental sustainability benefits and improve traveler experience in terms of:

• Lower fuel and power consumption by vehicles and infrastructure, leading to reduced transport-related greenhouse gas emissions and improved local air quality and related environmental conditions;

• Reductions in congestion and traveler frustration;

• A more streamlined, efficient and cost effective system to operate and maintain, leading to greater affordability for transport providers and travelers, and reduced requirement for unsightly hard infrastructure in dense urban environments.

Ubirider develops mobile and web apps which combine traditional and modern ways of transportation, aligned with the interests and needs of travelers and commuters. Our app, Pick, works out the best option for every journey — whether that’s a taxi, public transport, a rental car or a bike share. From office commutes to weekend getaways, it manages daily travel in the smartest way possible.

You can download the beta version of our app from Google Play or the App Store.



Pick by Ubirider

Pick integrates and combines different transport modes with a mobile fare payment feature. It offers more travelling options, under one seamless experience.