What is Kotlin? What are the Advantages and Disadvantages? Where Is It Used? What should be Java Kotlin Preference?

Umut Can Aldırmaz
8 min readOct 2, 2023

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the first article of the ‘’Life with Kotlin’’ series. While writing this series, I will touch on topics from basic to advanced level. I wish you enjoyable reading.

Feel free to follow and say what you think is missing or wrong. After all, man develops by learning.

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is the programming language announced by the technology giant Google in 2017. Kotlin, an open source software language, transmits Java bytecode to run on Android or Java Virtual Machine and combines functional programming features with object orientation.

You can compile it by typing Kotlin Show Bytecode in the search button by doing “Shift + Shift” on Android Studio and pressing the decompile button in the window that opens below.

Example Output;

Let us continue :)

Kotlin, developed by Prague-based software company JetBrains, is designed to be fully compatible with Java. Any Java framework or library in Kotlin can be used by developers.

When asked why Kotlin was developed when Java was already available, the developer company JetBrain answered as “to create a language that can be written better code than Java and does not compromise on security and performance”. Therefore, we can say that the main function of Kotlin is to write more secure code using fewer lines of code.

Developers often make comparisons between Java and Kotlin, arguing which of these languages is superior, or whether one of these languages can compete with the other. However, this discussion starts with an erroneous judgement because Kotlin still works with Java. Therefore, there is no question of one eliminating the other. It’s just that Kotlin offers an easier and faster code writing process than Java. Since it is an object-oriented language, it has some advantages over Java. For this reason, we see that companies that develop using Java are gradually switching to Kotlin.

Kotlin Advantages

1. Easy to understand

Kotlin endeavours to enhance Java functionality, not just rewrite it. Every Kotlin-related project can also be subject to all the skills that a mobile application developer learns and gains while working on Java.

2. Less chance of errors

Kotlin leaves no room for error for a simpler and lighter codebase. More stable output code is also provided. The compiler can detect possible errors in a compilation timeframe without any hassle. As a result, Kotlin becomes a more secure Java alternative.

3. More reliable

Compared to many other traditional programming languages, Kotlin is much more advanced. In 2011 Kotlin was born. Before releasing its final version, Kotlin endured numerous beta and alpha levels from the time of its release.

4. Ease of maintenance

Kotlin supports many IDEs, including Android Studio and many other SDK software. This aims to increase a developer’s overall output as it can still accommodate the toolkits they frequently use.

5. Coordination with existing java code

Interoperable in Java is Kotlin’s programming language. Java and several other frameworks and software related to the project. This makes it possible to switch to Kotlin and the two programming languages can be used comfortably at the same time.

6. Increase productivity

Kotlin is a Java-based programming language. The cumbersomeness and obsolescence of Java should be eliminated. Kotlin is a simple, portable and powerful language with an intuitive and concise syntax. Kotlin can thus optimise the total productivity of an entire team of developers.

Kotlin Disadvantages

1.Kotlin Minimal Learning Opportunities

While most developers are switching to Kotlin, there are few developers worldwide. It offers minimal tools for programming language learning and various queries in the software development process.

2.Compile speed is slower

In some cases Kotlin runs faster than Java, especially during incremental builds. However, remember that when it comes to proper structure, Java will always provide growth

3.Different from Java

Even though Kotlin and Java have some similarities, they still have a few major differences. After learning Kotlin thoroughly, mobile app developers cannot switch to another programming language.

4.Fewer Kotlin Experts to Hire

Despite the fact that Kotlin is highly suitable, there are only a few programmers in this field today. It makes no sense to say that every mobile app developer who wants to work on Kotlin should have deep knowledge. Unfortunately, experts in the Kotlin industry are also hard to find.

Where to use Kotlin?

1. Android development

Kotlin is a popular language for developing Android applications. It is fully interoperable with Java, the primary language for Android development, and provides many advantages over Java. Many Android developers prefer Kotlin over Java because it is simpler, readable and expressive.

2. Web development

Kotlin can be used to develop server-side web applications using frameworks such as Spring and Ktor, or client-side web applications using libraries such as React and Angular. Kotlin’s null safety, type inference and high-level functionalities make it a good choice for developing reliable, efficient and maintainable web applications.

3. Data analysis

Kotlin can be used for data analysis and scientific computing, either as a standalone language or in combination with other tools such as Python and R to work with complex datasets and create powerful abstractions that can simplify data analysis tasks.

4. Backend development

Kotlin can be used as a standalone language or in combination with other languages and technologies such as Java and Spring to develop backend services and applications. Kotlin’s null safety, type inference and extension functionalities make it a good choice for developing reliable, scalable and maintainable backend services.

5. Scripting

Kotlin can be used as a scripting language to automate tasks such as build and deployment processes, data migration and data conversion. Kotlin’s support for lambda expressions and high-level functions allows you to write short and descriptive scripts that can perform complex tasks in a few lines of code.

What should be Java Kotlin Preference?

Key Differences: Kotlin vs. Java

To help you make a rational decision, we have compiled ten important points of differentiation between Kotlin and Java. Take a look:

1. Null Safety

Null Pointer Exceptions in Java are a source of frustration for many developers. This exception is triggered when a null value is assigned to an object reference, alerting users to the problem and requiring them to handle it properly before continuing with their work.

In contrast, Kotlin does not allow you to assign null values to variables or objects. Therefore, Kotlin does not have NullPointerExceptions.

However, if any special case arises where the developer needs to use a null value, they can indicate this by explicitly marking the variable with a question mark.

2. Extension Functions

Java requires extensive work to modify existing methods, but Kotlin makes it easy with extension functions. These make modifying classes easy and fast, opening up a range of possibilities.

3. Code

Java can be wordy and complex, but with Kotlin you get the same features with an easy-to-understand syntax.

As a concise language, Kotlin has fewer lines of code than Java — making it easier on the eye and helping to minimise man-made errors.

4. Coroutines Support

With Java, CPU-intensive operations for multithreading allow complex processes to be run in the background. However, executing multiple threads can be difficult if not managed correctly.

On the other hand, with Kotlin’s coroutine support, developers can pause current execution without starting from scratch.

5. Smart Casting

Java developers have to constantly monitor the type of the variable during operations, but when writing code in Kotlin, you can trust that your variables are automatically cast with the help of the smart compiler.

6. Checked Exceptions

Kotlin does not require developers to check or report exceptions. This can be a blessing for some and a curse for others.

Java’s checked exception support can be annoying and can steal time from the development process. However, it guarantees robust code with errors already handled.

7. Type Interface

In Java, developers are required to explicitly declare the type of the variable they create, which gives them more control over how their code is interpreted.

However, thanks to Kotlin’s static typing feature, it can automatically determine the correct data type based on the assigned value.

8. Compilation Time

Java may offer a faster build speed, but the two languages are on equal footing when it comes to incremental builds. Kotlin and Java produce similar performance results for this process, making them equal contenders.

9. Expanding Transformations

Java allows auto-expansion, where smaller types are automatically converted to larger types, while Kotlin requires an explicit conversion operation every time you convert from small numbers to large numbers.

10. Use Cases

Java is the most general-purpose JVM programming language for a wide range of projects such as standalone applications and backend applications, while Kotlin has emerged as the preferred choice among developers when building Android applications.

Both languages provide tremendous versatility and power to create high-quality applications that meet the needs of any user!

Kotlin vs. Java: Which is better?

Choosing between Kotlin and Java is a popular topic among developers, but it can be difficult to decide which language best suits their project.

Comparing these key Kotlin and Java differences can help determine what makes them unique.

However, despite the numerous differences between Java and Kotlin, these languages are completely compatible with each other. By running Kotlin code inside Java classes and vice versa, you can blend these two languages like two sides of the same coin in the same project.

After reading this you may wonder — Are Kotlin and Java Similar?

Kotlin and Java have many similarities, but also some important differences (as mentioned above). So how do you know which language to choose when it comes to Kotlin and Java?

Here’s the bottom line: For businesses, the choice between Kotlin and Java may depend on factors such as project goals, team skill sets, and available resources, but either language can be a solid choice for building robust, scalable Android apps.

See you in the next instalment of the “Life with Kotlin” series. Stay in peace.



Umut Can Aldırmaz

Android Developer// Computer Engineer // Whatever you want to say ;)