Uchechi Writes
4 min readJun 14, 2024
Life In A Year

Life In A Year (a review based on the movie)

There’s not much I have to say but you know when the feelings are right, it just flows.

Most of us think we’re pretty young, without knowing just how many more years we got, how much time we got in this life we living and due to this, we live without being worried.

The reason, I feel, that elderly people are so relaxed about life is because they’ve seen it all. They’ve gone through the years and now they’re done, nothing more is left than to wait for the afterlife.

A preacher once said something and it goes “Young people, don’t think you’re too young, because if you’re 20 and you have to live till thirty, you’re pretty old my friend and if you’re 50 and have till 100, you’re pretty young, my friend.”

Age is just a number, and we all have assignments assigned to us to keep us busy while we still down here. How you handle your assignment determines whether you’re using your time well or not.

At times I sit and question death, rhetorical questions because there is never a reply to my questions. However here’s what I learned in Life in a Year.

Life’s short, it doesn’t matter whether you know it but it is. You might live 50 years and become aware that there’s so much you have not done yet and you will think, “I’m getting old, I need to accomplish this, all these sooner but life, with its funny, painful, sarcastic lessons takes you away the next day and your realization remains just that, a realization with no action to make it a reality but there are people who are aware just how much time they have left and try to make the most of it, they love, cry, smile, laugh, break some certain fucked up rules, they have fun. They have fun because they know that sooner or later life’s gonna take them away, they are aware and opportune to make the most out of it but here’s the twist, they are some people like me, like you, that are not aware of this fact and fuck every single time they get, forgetting that life is short. They throw chances, they refuse to dare, they stay comfortable and while away just the little they got. Some people make money to eat and have a means of livelihood but some people make money to fulfill the little assignment assigned to them before they leave. We have thousands of people in this world, if not billions and trillions in the human populace. We meet new people every single day, everyone got a time, everyone must die, not just the ones aware that they will soon die but especially those in the dark about it, we all gonna die even it is at a 102, we’re going to still die. We all know this, it is like a secret no one ever talks about till it happens or maybe you get old and with nothing to do, no challenge to take on, decide that dying should be next priority. We all got a time, a ticking clock and every day we celebrate our birthdays, we are aware that soon we gonna die and it’s just inching closer. I mean if I’m 20 years old and I’m to die at 50 years it means, I just came 30 years closer to my demise. So what do I do, I celebrate 20 years of life on planet earth, still breathing and waking up and feeling strong because life, life’s soon gonna take me away to a place, it is just waiting for 30 more years and then justice be done to me, as planned.

So what am I saying, I’m saying that life is short and cherish it the way it should be cherished cause you don’t know when it is gonna be your time but while cherishing it, fulfill what you’ve been assigned to fulfill so that when you go, you would know that the life you lived was a life worth living, and your best year will be your last life in a year.

    They say a day to God is a thousand years and people walk around with a thousand fears but the true joy of love, that’s why we all are here and with a pure heart, you can live life in a year.
    So Isabelle writes: “Everybody thinks that dying teaches you something about life, but they’re wrong. The only way to learn about life is by living. And I’ve learned that every moment is your moment. Sometimes the moments are messy, sometimes they’re beautiful, or scary, or just plain weird. But they’re all yours. Cherish them. Living isn’t easy. But if you can manage to look past your own fears and everyone else’s expectations, the reward is your life.

And in my life? I was loved. So Daryn, one more?