How to Incorporate a Business in Rwanda

Register your business for free in Rwanda

Uche Kene
2 min readMar 25, 2024


This article is focused on how you can incorporate a business in Rwanda the right way. I compiled my experiences doing so to help expose you to best practices and shorten your learning curve. For the purpose of this article let’s keep the business within the context of a tech startup that is solely a software businesses (meaning it serves its customers using either as a website, mobile app technology or both). This entire process shouldn’t take you more than 5mins. This has to be one of the fastest and I highly commend Rwanda for that.

Step 1 — Decide Type of Business

As obvious as this is. The first practical thing to do would be to decide exactly what type of business you intend to start and operate as. This is exclusively your choice and decision to make. However, very key to mention you need to prioritise for a business you understand considerably well which solves a real problem and has potential for scale — ability to deliver value to a large number of consumers.

Step 2 — Fill Business Registration Form

Head to RDB website and fill the business registration form. It’s a straight forward form that requests key information about the business you intend to run and its purpose. State your class of business. State your personal details correctly. State your address correctly. State your primary and secondary business operations clearly. Review your answers to ensure they check out for consistency of information.

Step 3 — Submit your Application

Once you’ve completed Step 2 above. Go ahead and submit your application by clicking the submit button. Totally free.

Step 4 — Approval

Upon submission, your application would be reviewed by the board. If there any discrepancies or inconsistency with information provided in your application, they would alert and point you to it. Simply head to that part of your application, resolve and resubmit. Once satisfactory, you would see the status bar change to “Approved” . Navigate to the “Certificates” button by the left side bar to download your business certificate. You would be required to submit when applying for your Rwanda W2 Entrepreneurship Visa.


Congratulations, your business has been successfully incorporated in Rwanda.

Rwanda Development Board Office Building, Gishushu, Kigali Rwanda

