3 min readJan 30, 2024

The lifestyle of the Kingdom of GOD (part two)

Do you see the quiet strength of the true Church in this world that often fails to understand her voice? A fragmented kingdom teeters, devoid of its transformative essence. The Church must reawaken to its potent spirit, a spirit that longs not for the fractures of human design but yearns for the unadulterated presence and sovereignty of the Holy Spirit. With Christ’s sacrifice as our steadfast foundation, our faith and rebirth entwine us with God’s divine essence (2 Peter 1:4), revealing an experience of the Church that is infused with supernatural vitality amidst the ordinariness of life.

We, the Church, dwell in the kingdom of Son’s love, uplifted from the dominion of shadows into the realm of light and love through faith in Christ (Colossians 1:12-13). Here, we bask in the presence of God, who rules not with heavy decrees but through the tender invitation to savor His life, imbibe His light, and to feel the depth of His devotion.

The kingdom of God—this is the sanctuary of divine life, visible only to those reborn in God's vivifying presence (John 3:3-6). His kingdom reigns not as an external force but as an innermost vitality within us.

As we receive the life-giving touch of God, our spirits awaken to the kingdom's reality, with an innate sense of spiritual discernment that illuminates our path. To abide in our Lord's kingdom is to live by the profound instincts of a renewed spirit—this is the essence of dwelling within the kingdom of God, moment by moment.

Behold the Church, the radiant outpost of heaven's splendor here on Earth! For within her walls, followers of Christ are granted the exalted rights of spiritual citizenship in this glorious Kingdom, not as mere bystanders but as devoted stewards of its collective bounty. Let us pray fervently for divine grace to transform our understanding of God's Kingdom, that we may recognize it as an exalted state we enter through rebirth, experience with our spirit infused with the divine, and actively uphold by living in harmony with the sacred life force within us.

The Church stands as the majestic Kingdom of the Son's boundless love, a sanctuary filled with joy and grace! With hearts overflowing with gratitude, let us celebrate our Father who has deemed us worthy to partake in the hallowed inheritance among saints in the realm of eternal light. He has rescued us from the grip of darkness and lovingly ushered us into the paradise of His Son's love (Col. 1:12-13). Let our voices ring out in a triumphant Hallelujah!

Former dwellers in shadow, we now bask in the luminous kingdom of the Son's love, which is the Church of today. Such a kingdom, crafted by the very essence of the Son's love, stands as the most wondrous and inviting of abodes, governed by the sovereign rules of God's own life, His radiant light, and His unconditional love.

Liberated from the night, we find ourselves under the gentle yoke of the Almighty, where His love reigns supreme, His life pulsates through every vein, and His light guides our every step. Here, amidst divine governance and sacred boundaries, we discover the truest form of freedom. In this kingdom, a freedom born of love prevails, enlivened by divine breath, and illuminated by the heavenly light.