MovieBiz Coin

Uchit Mlm
2 min readFeb 13, 2022

MovieBiz Coin will be Bridging the gap between the industries

and aspiring talents by providing a platform to connect, share,

and network.

Talents can display their creativity & talents in singing, photography , dancing, modeling, video editing, and

more. These videos will be forwarded to production houses, casting directors, reality shows, etc. Looking

out for Talents

A set of internal judges will go through video, review skills, creativity, and r passion before they take the

decision. After the review is done, the internal judge will shortlist the contestant, and give them an

opportunity in form of live auditions for the whitelisted Movie Projects

How MovieBiz Coin is Utilised

1 ) MovieBiz Coin will be used for voting and giving tips to Artists.

2 ) MovieBiz Coin will be the main catalyst for in-App advertising.

3 ) Selected Talent will be paid in Rewards in form of MovieBiz Coin

BZ offers multiple highly attractive film investments on a single platform especially for those individuals

who would not normally have the opportunity to invest in the movie industry. Before MovieBiz Coin, the

main investors in the industry were people/players from the movie world but that no longer applies.

MovieBiz Coin will change the way the movie industry works making it possible for anyone to invest and

make profits by investing in movies.

With a fundraising plan already underway, MovieBiz Coin intends to attract a myriad of investors and

advertisers from around the globe and, a tested business model of top film companies will allow MovieBiz

Coin to become part of the global market with two billion movie fans.

For More Information:-
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#MBZ #MovieBizCoin #ERC #Crypto #Giveaway #aladdincenter #bounty

— — — -Author — — -
Bitcoin talk user name — dhakadhak099
BTT LINK: —;u=3111635
Telegram : @realmlm1000

coinsbit —

MBZ wallet address — — 0x830C48eb31E4654eAc2A99C09AaA2994a029C37b

