Moviebiz Coin : Best Investment Platform for the Global Film Industry

Uchit Mlm
4 min readFeb 20, 2022


The film industry is one of the industries whose development has increased significantly in recent years. The film industry is an industry that is not affected by the pandemic as felt by various industries globally, on the contrary, this industry is increasingly active due to global user demands who stay at home and want to find entertainment to ward off their boredom. And because of this now many people are starting to invest in the global film industry, because of its promising prospects in the future.

In the future, the film industry will grow and more people will join this industry. And because of this, Moviebiz coin wants to present an investment platform that will allow users to invest in the global film industry. Moviebiz coin allows users to invest in filmmakers who want to produce films and when their films are successful, investors will get a return from it.

Global Film Industry

The global film industry is one of the industries not affected by the pandemic and on the contrary, this industry continues to grow due to the increasing demand from users globally. But even so, the only big players who feel profit from the industry, while the small players do not benefit, and on the contrary, it is difficult for these small players to be able to get funding for the films they are producing. Whereas if they get funding assistance for their film project, they will be able to produce a quality film that will provide profits not only for filmmakers but also for investors involved in funding the film. And Moviebiz Coin offers users the opportunity to easily invest in the film industry through a cryptocurrency-based investment platform like Moviebiz Coin. Users will be able to get directly involved in funding films from various filmmakers globally. And later when the film is a success, users will be able to get a return on their investment.

Moviebiz Coin is designed to be an investment platform that will allow users globally to be able to invest in the global film industry and benefit from it easily and securely.

Moviebiz Coin Features

The features offered by Moviebiz Coin, enables users to invest in the global film industry and get a return on their investment easily and securely. And Moviebiz Coin will not charge fees for this. But that’s not all, there are several other features of Moviebiz Coin:

  • Launchpad: a launchpad platform designed for filmmakers and they will be able to get funding for their film projects faster.
  • Talent Hunt and Live streaming Apps: applications that will allow potential talents to showcase their creativity and if they are lucky they will get rewarded for it.
  • NFT: NFT platform which will be used by users to be able to buy or sell NFT tokens easily and securely.
  • OTT platform: users can get access to a decentralized movie platform, where they can distribute exclusive content of interest to users.
  • Movie Verse: a metaverse platform that will allow users to play and get rewards for their activities.


As a platform that adopts cryptocurrency, Moviebiz Coin will launch a cryptocurrency that will facilitate user transactions on the platform. Moviebiz Coin platform allows users to easily get these tokens from various supported exchanges. These coins, known as the MBZ token are tokens that users can freely use as they wish, for example, users can use this to pay for something. This is the native token of Moviebiz Coin, which in the future will support the operation and development of the platform.

To conclude

The global film industry is one of the industries that has grown quite significantly in recent years. This industry despite the pandemic continues to grow and develop, which proves that the industry has great potential. And Moviebiz Coin is here as a platform that will allow users to invest in the global film industry and get a return from it. This is an investment platform in the film industry that will connect various parties in this industry, so that filmmakers, talents, etc., can easily get support from users globally. Moviebiz Coin has the vision to become an investment platform in global cinema that will provide attractive returns to its users.



— — — -Author — — -
Bitcoin talk user name — dhakadhak099
BTT LINK: -;u=3111635
Telegram : @realmlm1000
Wallet Address: — 0x059f3d99f6E62dC289739DcB667DaAAC2DE895B4

