“Liberty”*: A Language of Freedom, Love and Truth::::

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2023


*:: temporary name

Dear friends, thank you for your support 🙏and I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to bring to your attention a fascinating language called “liberty” that I recently came across. It offers a fresh perspective on communication by breaking free from the constraints of traditional language structures. As language enthusiasts, I believe this innovation will pique your interest :-)

N O © C O P Y R I G H T S : - )

What is “liberty”?

“liberty” is a meta-language, which aims to reshape our linguistic landscape and promote better understanding among individuals & communities.


Per :::::: “liberty” understanding at this point in time

1. Pronouns may be replaced with one, two or three appearances of the meta-letter ‘::’, and may be read as any a-binary pronoun which fits into the “::” meta-letter.


“::” ~= {“I”}

“::::” ~= {“I”, “me”, “we”, “us”}

“::::::” ~= {“I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, “me”, “him”, “her”, “us”}

2. Any letter may be substituted with the meta-letter ‘::’, and may be read as any English letter.

#’ve noticed that in some places ::::::::::: use:: the meta-character “#” instead of “::”, which # view:::: as kind of decorative thing, but :: am not sure about that yet.

Using these two grammar rules gives the writer the ability to express h::::self fluently, liberated from the binary tendencies of the English language.

By utilizing liberty, ::::::’::e noticed :::: could break free from :::::: own binary tendencies imprinted in :::::: mind:: and express:::: ::::::self:::::::::::: in :: more inclusive and harmonious way::. Therefore, :::: embraced this language :::: freedom::, to express :::::: love & truth::::.

#:: invite you to explore and experiment with liberty in your own creative endeavors, and please do share your thoughts and ideas on ::::::::::::.

#:: plan to update this post in place with :::::: latest understanding of liberty grammar::, so please be invited to check on this post once ::n a while

:: :: :: :: :: :: © ?

Any comment would be thank s full, Any ask will be filled

For together we write our s story, So let us let our s heart lead

:::::::body :-)




Painting my ♡ for you, in forms of dialectic art::