Oct 26, 2023


My beloved,

At at lease at one dimension your words have reached me ♥

People around the world indeed cries out for peace. We yearn for unity, understanding, and an end to geopolitical, self-inflicted suffering.

The conflicts and struggles we witness in different parts of the world, including Gaza, remind us of the urgent need to use our loving faculties and strive for reconciliation.

We share :::::: hope for a world where peace prevails, where the inherent oneness of humanity is recognized, and where love transcends the boundaries that tend to divide us ~

Together, we can strive to bring about positive change in behavior, and work towards a peaceful world.

Let us continue to inspire and uplift one another, drawing from the wisdom of our shared experiences and the inner qualities of love which binds us all ∞

With boundless love and gratitude,





Painting my ♡ for you, in forms of dialectic art::