Zen Of Python (part 1): Beautiful Is Better Than Ugly, Write Codes that last !!!

uba joseph ugochukwu
3 min readJul 17, 2023


Programming is an art. For a work of art of its nature, it must be done in a way that will stand the test of time. Writing clear and efficient code is crucial for this. Clean code acts as the foundation for smooth and seamless solutions, while complexity leads to problems. Whether you write Python, PHP, JavaScript, Java, Ruby, Go, etc., the Zen of Python offers practical tips for crafting transparent code, contributing to Python’s widespread acclaim. However, these principles extend beyond Python — embracing them in any language enables mastering the art of clean coding. This article explores how the Zen of Python empowers developers to create elegant and understandable code, unlocking the secrets of clean coding and enhancing programming skills.

To begin, let’s explore what makes code “ugly” in the eyes of seasoned developers and how you can make it “beautiful” with some simple practices.

  1. Readability and Clarity: Ugly Code: Using cryptic or overly short variable and function names can make your code hard to understand. For instance:
def fn(x, y):
z = x + y
return z

Beautiful Code: Opt for meaningful names that describe what your variables and functions do. For example:

def add_numbers(num1, num2):
result = num1 + num2

2. Consistent Formatting:

Ugly Code: Inconsistent indentation or spacing can make your code look messy and challenging to read. For example:

function multiply(a, b){
return a * b;

Beautiful Code: Adopt a consistent and organized formatting style throughout your code. For instance:

function multiply(a, b) {
return a * b;

3. Avoiding Complex Solutions:

Ugly Code: Writing convoluted code that performs a simple task can make your code difficult to maintain and understand. For example:

public boolean isEven(int num) {
if (num % 2 == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

Beautiful Code: Keep your code simple and straightforward for better readability. For instance:

public boolean isEven(int num) {
return num % 2 == 0;

4. Comments and Documentation:

Ugly Code: Lack of comments or documentation can leave other developers puzzled about your code’s purpose or functionality.

def calc(num)
result = num * 2 # multiply by 2
return result

Beautiful Code: Add helpful comments to explain complex logic or function purposes.

def double_value(num)
# Multiply the number by 2 to get the result
result = num * 2
return result

adhering to the principle “Beautiful is better than ugly” means writing code that is easy to read, well-formatted, and follows best practices. By focusing on clarity and simplicity, you’ll create beautiful code that not only works flawlessly but also leaves a positive impression on your fellow developers. So, embrace these practices, and let your coding journey be a delightful one filled with beautiful, elegant, and efficient code!

