Meet The Lit — SCC & Finance

UC Lit
4 min readOct 1, 2017


By Shania Perera

This month we introduce Dan Proctor, our Spirit & Communications Commissioner, and Raye Negatu, our Finance Commissioner. They are super approachable, which made this process easy for me. Thanks, guys.

Listen to Dan’s Spotify Playlist and Raye’s Spotify Playlist as well.


Tell us a bit about yourself. What do you study? What year are you in? What do you do for fun?

I study Economics and Cinema Studies. I’m in my fourth year, and… what do I do for fun? I don’t know. I don’t really have time for fun. When I do have time for fun I like watching movies and TV, playing video games… You know, the things everyone else likes doing. I’m really interesting like that.

Since you’re in Cinema Studies, what are some recent films you’ve enjoyed?

I was really into Wonder Woman, although I think I would have liked the movie a lot more had it ended thirty minutes earlier. If you’ve seen it you know what I mean. I also loved Baby Driver, I’m a big Edgar Wright guy.

As someone who’s from Boston, what’s your favourite thing about it? What do you like about Toronto?

There’s this one convenience store chain called Cumberland Farms — they have 99-cent coffee, all sizes. And they have these really awful little espresso shots […] that’s why I have an actual caffeine addiction now.

As for Toronto, I love how much there is to do here. Even though I’m from around Boston, I’m from a really small town, and there wasn’t as much to do other than drive around and eat pizza. I’m a big food guy, so I love how much different food there is here.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

I have a lot of classes in Innis, and there’s a café in there run by this really nice old couple. They have such good food there. They have börek, […] which is part of Albanian cuisine. I’m from an Albanian background so it’s very nostalgic for me to get, and it’s homemade so it really reminds of me of my family. They also have really cheap coffee if you bring a mug.

What’s the best thing about UC, in your opinion?

It sounds cheesy, but the community is really close-knit. I’ll walk into any UC space and I’ll usually see someone I know who I can sit down with and talk to, and if not I still feel comfortable introducing myself to people.

Do you have any advice for anyone who might be interested in your commission?

It’s a little bit smaller of a commission in terms of size, but if you’re into design or writing then the best way to get involved is to reach out to me directly over Facebook. I should be easy to find, although there are a lot of Dan Proctors out there. Or just contact me at my e-mail.


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

That’s always a hard question to answer because I never really know what to say besides: “I’m a 4th year Rotman student with a specialty in Accounting and a minor in Economics and I’m the Finance Commissioner on the UCLit”.

What kind of music are you into?

I like to go to obscure music shops to look for old records by people I’ve never heard of. Those tend to be the best, but I do have a lot of stuff from people like Bob Marley, Aretha Franklin, and Michael Jackson.

Favourite movie? Television Series?

Probably The Breakfast Club just because I always used to watch it when I was sick so it’s very nostalgic for me but also it’s a great movie. My favourite TV show right now is This Is Us.

What drove you to UC?

I came to UC because I was friends with Victoria [Kourtis, our Vice President] in high school and she was choosing UC so I figured, “I’m not living in residence and everyone tells me it doesn’t really matter which college I choose since I’m a commuter, but at least I’ll know someone at frosh.”

You’re a big reader. Do you have any book recommendations for us?

I really like anything by Lawrence Hill. I had to read on of his books in high school and ever since I’ve been trying to find as many of his books as possible! I’m actually reading his book “Any Known Blood” right now.

What would your wrestler name be?

E-ratic Killah. That’s what came out when I put my name in the Wu-Tang Name generator.

Reach out to Dan at and Raye at



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