Join ‘Asia Tomorrow Together’ — Underdogs’ Global Coach Training Program

7 min readMay 13, 2020


For the past few years, Underdogs’ global program has been developed, designed and delivered with the mission of creating a comprehensive and collective impact, driven by and created from empowered social entrepreneurs and strong network of players in the ecosystem.

In our work in Asia we have been very fortunate, being connected and partnered with some of the most trustworthy players in social innovation. This has also lead Underdogs to develop a wider perspective and better understanding about the diverse context and settings we were exposed to, encouraging our team to be more passionate about collaboration and creating shared values across Asia.

The more we became passionate, the more we recognized the areas for development in our training programs in other countries. Our team had successfully designed and delivered a number of workshops and trainings in different Asian countries, but we also discovered our lack of experience in contextualizing each program — we were always dependent on and supported by our local partners. Underdogs coaches from Korea sharing experiences and perspectives from different countries is a very valuable learning, but perhaps the key to a quality ‘training’ program is to make sure that our entrepreneurs developed practical skills and knowledge through our program.

Also at the very practical level, and probably the most critical, to do this in a non-native language was always challenging for all of us, including the entrepreneurs, and the language issue often worked as a barrier to creating equal opportunities.

In addition we have started looking into possibilities for a long term full-time training program, and planning for reaching out to wider target groups, which is an initiative that requires more number of Underdogs coaches and trainers who speak the native languages, have strong experience and good understanding about each context and will work with us in designing and delivering the Underdogs Training Program for Social Innovation Startups.

With this background, we are launching ‘Asia Tomorrow Together’, the Underdogs’ global coach training program, to identify potential Underdogs global coaches and provide a trainer training based on the Underdogs’ Social Innovation Startup Approach, for startup and entrepreneur trainers and coaches. We have delivered an online briefing session a couple of weeks ago, and many have already expressed their interests and shared ideas.

We are very excited to find out who else would be interested in joining this program to collaborate with us. This group of new coaches and trainers will also be the key to sustainability of the impact we work to create.

Below are more details about the program. If you are interested in applying for the program, please take a careful look at the information and take notes on the important dates.

Initially we had planned for all trainings to be face-to-face, but with the current COVID-19 situation we concluded that the ‘Foundation’ course in July will be delivered ONLINE. We still plan to hold the two following courses offline, in the hopes that the situation will be better by then.

| Program Outline

The program consists of three courses :

1) Underdogs Global Coach Training : Foundation — ONLINE COURSE
(Seoul/ONLINE, planned for July 1-July 4, 2020)

  • Understanding Underdogs
  • Observing Underdogs’ coaching sessions in Korea
  • Understanding the Underdogs Approaches and key messages for each session
  • Understanding the Underdogs facilitation style

2) Underdogs Global Coach Training : Facilitation Practice (Respective context, between July-Sep 2020)

  • Delivering a Underdogs training program in local context and highlight key messages, with Underdogs facilitation style
  • Adopting lessons learned and skills developed during the Foundation step

3) Underdogs Global Coach Training : Training Delivery and Practical Coaching
(Seoul, Oct 2020, tbc)

  • Designing Underdogs training program
  • Designing presentation slides in local context
  • Simulation coaching with feedback (English)
  • Simulation coaching with feedback (native language)
  • Certification of Underdogs Global Coach

*You must complete all three steps to be certified as an Underdogs Global Coach

l Program Benefits and Opportunities

  • Develop your coaching and training skills further by adopting the Underdogs Social Innovation Startup Approach, which focuses on the very practical skills training for entrepreneurs
  • Be a Underdogs Global Coach with certification
  • Work as a coach/trainer in Underdogs training programs delivered in respective country
  • Join the network of other Underdogs global coaches and connect with partners in Korea and Asia
  • Develop ideas and collaborate with the Underdogs team as a partner to create startup training programs and social innovation projects in your context

l Eligibility

  • Startup and social enterprise coaches and mentors, social entrepreneurs, and business trainers
  • Incubators and accelerators for early-stage teams
  • Teachers and professors working with entrepreneurs and startup teams

l Program Fee

The program fee is USD 1,200 per individual, and this includes the following;

‧Full delivery and participation of all program steps

‧Accommodation in Seoul

‧Meals during participation

‧Venue and logistics costs

‧Workshop materials

‧Underdogs Social Innovation Startup Approach Contents (Hardcopy)

‧Certificate as Underdogs Global Coach

‧Qualification to work as Underdogs trainee facilitator

However, with the ‘Foundation’ course delivered online in 2020, the fee will temporarily be adjusted to USD 600, while still covering the above costs.

l Scholarship Program

To provide more opportunities, we have prepared a scholarship program and discount policy. Please check below what support is available.

  • Have you participated in our online briefing session held on April 27 and 29, 2020? If yes, you will receive 10% Discount (USD 60).
  • Have you applied for the scholarship? If you are accepted, then you will receive a financial support on 50% of your participation fee(USD 300). To apply for the scholarship program please fill in the scholarship application form.
  • Have you completed all steps and received the certificate? Congratulations! In appreciation of your hard work, we will refund 40% of your fee(USD 240).

Please apply online by completing the form and submitting no later than 24:00 KST, 31 May, 2020.

  • If you are also applying for the scholarship program please check if you have also completed and submitted the form. In this case you will need to submit both forms for program participation and scholarship program. Also please note that for scholarship application we require documents of evidence and reference contact details to support your CV as part of the application form.
  • All applications will be carefully reviewed and we will have the final list of participants and scholars with details announced on June 4th, 2020.

Are you excited by now that this could be a great opportunity for you to build up your skills and capacity as a startup trainer and a coach, and also start networking with similar-minded colleagues from Asia? Well, at least we are! We are very much excited to open up this opportunity for all of us and can’t wait to connect with you!

Last but not least, please take into considerations that due to the current situation with COVID-19 across the world, we may have to reschedule or turn all the programs into an online based training. In any case, we will make sure we communicate with you regarding any change of plans in the most prompt and efficient way possible.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions, or even have good ideas and/or suggestions. You can reach us via email at, or write directly to Jihye Ahn, who is the global program director leading this initiative, at


In 2015, Underdogs was established by entrepreneurs who had experienced social innovation startups, with the belief in potential of the ‘underdogs’. With a mission to create both social and business values, Social Innovation Startups are the ‘underdogs’.

Underdogs focuses on the early stages of an entrepreneurial journey and provides the most beneficial program for early-stage startups. This enables innovative ideas, which can solve social issues, turn into sustainable businesses.

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We enable innovative ideas that can solve social issues to turn into sustainable businesses.