How to send an email message with Alexa Custom Skill and AWS lambda ( NodeJS )

Uday Dhadve
5 min readJan 11, 2020
A detailed article on sending emails from Alexa Custom Skills using AWS SES.

While working on an assignment related to Alexa skill, I can implement my skill to send an email. Thinking about the requirements, I thought there can be different possibilities through which we can implement this.

But for this post, I thought of considering something like triggering a pre-formatted email (or set of emails) with different intents.

Now, before going ahead I assume that you have some idea about Alexa custom skills and are familiar with the basics. For my assignment, I have used AWS lambda which is implemented in NodeJS and have hosted it on my AWS account, instead of using the Alexa hosted lambda.

Alright, let’s get started.

First, let’s talk about a simple case of sending a pre-defined set of emails with Alexa commands. If I think of a very simple use case for this scenario, it can be booking a reservation at some restaurant or sending an appointment email to a doctor etc.

If we consider at a high level and take an example of booking a reservation at a restaurant, the important things which the email should have are the name of the person, date and time on which the reservation is to be made and the number of people for which the reservation is to be made.

