Boost Your Tech Productivity: How AI Tools Became My Secret Weapons

Uddeshya Kumar
3 min readMay 15, 2024

Introduction: In the fast-paced tech world, staying productive is key. If you’re like me, juggling multiple roles — from product owner to team leader — finding tools that enhance efficiency is a game-changer. Ever wondered how AI assistants could fit into your workflow? Let me introduce you to my secret weapons: ChatGPT-OJUAR, ChatGPT-4, OWRITE, and OMNI. These tools have completely transformed how I work. Here’s my story and how you can leverage them too.

Meet Your AI Sidekicks:

Ever wished you had an extra pair of hands? These AI models, developed by OpenAI, are like having a team of experts at your fingertips. Whether you’re brainstorming ideas, solving problems, or seeking advice, these AI tools have got your back.

My Productivity Journey with AI:

Navigating the startup world can be overwhelming. Can you relate? Managing a team of testers, collaborating with developers, and addressing infrastructure issues is a lot to juggle. These AI tools have been my go-to, making my workload more manageable and my life easier.

Turbocharged Brainstorming:

Ever felt stuck during brainstorming sessions? These AIs are my go-to companions. They’ve consistently provided fresh, diverse ideas for our Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP), sparking creativity and shaping our product roadmap in ways I hadn’t imagined.

Quick Problem-Solving and Debugging:

Frustrated with bugs and infrastructure hiccups? I’ve been there. These AI assistants offer quick solutions and debugging advice, saving us countless hours and reducing stress significantly. It’s like having a tech guru on call 24/7.

Effortless Writing and Communication:

Drafting emails, creating documentation, and even crafting meeting agendas — sounds tedious, right? Not anymore. With these AIs, writing has become a breeze, ensuring clarity and professionalism without the usual hassle.

Streamlined Team Collaboration:

Managing a team of testers means constant communication and coordination. These AI tools draft detailed test plans, reports, and feedback documents, making our workflow smoother and more productive. How cool is that?

The Product Owner’s Secret Weapons:

Balancing diverse responsibilities can feel like a tightrope walk. These AI tools have been my secret weapons, providing insights, organizing tasks, and generating content. This allows me to focus more on strategic decisions and leading my team effectively.

Practical Tips to Maximize AI Assistance:

Want to get the most out of these AI tools? Here are some tips:

  • Define your questions or tasks clearly: Precise answers come from precise questions.
  • Use them for drafting and editing content: Save time and maintain a professional tone.
  • Include them in brainstorming sessions: Tap into diverse and creative ideas.
  • Rely on them for technical troubleshooting: Get quick and efficient problem-solving.
  • Regularly update them with project context: Ensure relevant and tailored assistance.


AI tools like ChatGPT-OJUAR, ChatGPT-4, OWRITE, and OMNI have become indispensable parts of my daily workflow. They’ve transformed how I approach and execute tasks, boosting my productivity and enriching my professional experience. Curious to see how they can enhance your productivity? Give these AI tools a try and revolutionize your work life.

