Ten things New Cat DJs Need to Know That Most Old Cat DJs Won’t Teach Them

Udeh Amaobi
4 min readJul 17, 2023

Becoming a DJ is an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities. As you embark on this path, it’s essential to equip yourself with knowledge that can set you up for success. While experienced DJs may have a wealth of wisdom to offer, there are certain valuable lessons that often go unshared. In this article, we’ll explore some crucial insights that new cat DJs need to know, but most old cat DJs won’t teach them. These insights will help you navigate the DJing world with confidence, professionalism, and a solid business mindset.

1. DJing is fun, but it is also a business:
Being a DJ is undoubtedly a thrilling and enjoyable experience, but it’s important to remember that it’s also a business. Balancing your passion for music with a professional approach will enable you to excel. Treat each gig as an opportunity to showcase your skills and provide a service, ensuring that you deliver an exceptional experience to your clients.

2. Never work for free:
While it may be tempting to accept gigs that promise exposure, it’s crucial to value your time and expertise. Working for free not only undermines the DJing industry as a whole but also devalues your worth. Instead, focus on building a portfolio of paid gigs that reflect the quality of your work and establish a sustainable career.

3. Charge for equipment usage:
Even if you own your own equipment, it’s vital to charge clients as if you were renting the gear. By assigning value to your equipment, you can allocate funds for maintenance, repairs, or even replacements. This practice ensures that you maintain a high standard of performance and protect your investments in the long run.

4. Practice, practice, practice:
The importance of practice cannot be overstated. Dedicate time to refine your mixing skills, explore different genres, and experiment with new techniques. The more you practice, the more confident and versatile you’ll become as a DJ. Continuous improvement is the key to staying ahead in the competitive DJing landscape.

5. Find a mentor and listen to their work:
While listening to other DJs can provide inspiration and broaden your musical knowledge, having a mentor is invaluable. Seek out experienced DJs who can guide you, offer constructive feedback, and share their insights. Learning from their expertise will accelerate your growth and help you navigate potential challenges more effectively.

6. Charge everyone fairly:
When starting out, family and friends may request discounted rates for your services. While it’s natural to want to help them, it’s important to maintain fairness in your business dealings. Charging everyone fairly ensures that you establish a reputation as a professional DJ and sustain your business in the long term.

7. Determine your value and set your prices:
Research pricing within your local DJing community to find a middle ground that reflects your skill level and experience. Understanding the market and placing a value on your craft is essential. It allows you to confidently communicate your worth to potential clients and negotiate contracts that align with your expertise.

8. Think outside the box and market yourself:
Being a successful DJ involves more than just spinning records. Embrace creativity and explore unique ways to market yourself. Utilize social media platforms, create a professional website, collaborate with other artists, and leverage networking opportunities. Establishing a strong personal brand will help you stand out in a crowded industry.

9. Cultivate positive relationships:
Your success as a DJ relies not only on your talent but also on your interpersonal skills. Be kind, respectful, and approachable. Engage with fellow DJs, event organizers, and industry professionals. Building strong relationships can open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and word-of-mouth referrals.

10. Always be professional:
Maintain a professional demeanor at all times. Arrive early for gigs, deliver exceptional performances, and interact courteously with clients and event attendees. Your professionalism will leave a lasting impression and contribute to your reputation as a reliable and highly sought-after DJ.

As a new cat DJ, you have the opportunity to carve your own path and create a successful career in the industry. By embracing these essential insights that most old cat DJs may not share, you can navigate the challenges with confidence. Remember to balance the joy of DJing with a business mindset, value your time and craft, and always strive for continuous improvement. With dedication, professionalism, and a unique personal brand, you can soar to new heights and make your mark on the DJing world.



Udeh Amaobi

Writer and Story Teller by day, Wedding DJ/VDJ by night (VDJ Mobi). My focus on House & Afrobeat and Open format Music