Best Tech Side Hustles To Make Money

Udemezue John
15 min readJul 10, 2024


Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash


Looking for a tech side hustle to make money? Tech side hustles might be the answer.

This post will guide you through 15 of the best tech side hustles to make money in 2024 and beyond.

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How do I Get Started With a Tech Side Hustle?

Jump into the tech side hustle game by identifying your unique skills and making them visible; let’s dig into how you can turn your tech-savvy into cash flow.

1. Determine your skills.

Start by taking a close look at your existing strengths and skills. Are you the go-to person for tech support in your circle? Maybe you have a knack for creating websites or a talent for writing code that others find complex.

Understanding what you excel at will guide you to the right side hustle. Consider whether these skills are in high demand; if they’re sought after, you can likely turn them into extra income alongside your full-time job.

Next, think about areas where you could improve or new competencies worth learning.

With technology constantly evolving, staying up-to-date is crucial. Identifying gaps in your knowledge might open doors to lucrative opportunities that require more specialized expertise.

This step helps ensure that when an opportunity arises, not only do you have the skill set needed but also stand out as a strong candidate due to your diverse abilities and commitment to growth within the tech industry.

2. Create an online presence.

Building a strong online presence is crucial to kickstarting your tech side hustle.

Create a professional-looking website that showcases your skills and past projects.

This digital portfolio becomes your virtual business card, making it easier for potential clients to find you and see what you can do.

Include a blog where you share insights related to your field, further establishing yourself as an expert.

Use social media strategically by joining groups and forums focused on technology or the specific services you offer. Share content that highlights in-demand skills, offers tips and engages with others in the community.

Make sure every post adds value and enhances how others perceive your expertise. Regular activity online increases visibility, which is key when balancing this alongside a full-time job.

3. Network and market yourself.

Networking is key to getting your name out there to land more side hustle opportunities.

Start by joining tech forums, attending industry meetups and participating in online communities related to your skills.

Share what you do and engage with other professionals; this could lead to referrals or partnership offers that boost your profile.

Marketing yourself doesn’t mean shouting into the void of the internet; it means strategically showcasing your work where potential clients spend their time.

Use social media platforms to demonstrate your expertise, create a robust LinkedIn profile that highlights your accomplishments, and consider having business cards on hand for face-to-face encounters.

It’s about making sure people remember you when they need the in-demand skills you offer.

4. Set and negotiate rates.

As you dive into tech side hustles, knowing how to set and negotiate rates is crucial. Start by researching what others with similar skills are charging for their services.

Consider your level of expertise, the complexity of the project, and how much time it will require.

Set a baseline rate that compensates you fairly for your work while remaining competitive in the market.

Negotiating can be a game-changer; it’s not just about stating your price but also understanding the value you bring to a client.

Be prepared to explain why you’re worth the rate you’ve set, especially if it’s higher than average due to specialized skills or experience.

If a client proposes a lower amount, don’t hesitate to discuss terms that could benefit both parties such as longer-term engagements or additional projects that might justify reduced rates on individual tasks.

Always aim for agreements where both you and your clients feel like winners.

5. Maintain good customer relationships.

After you’ve set your rates and started to bring in clients, it’s crucial to keep those relationships strong.

Satisfied customers can become repeat clients and even refer others to you, expanding your side hustle with minimal marketing effort on your part.

Communicate clearly, deliver work on time, and always ensure the quality of your service is top-notch.

Handling any issues promptly and professionally will show that you value their business.

Building trust with every interaction cements a solid foundation for ongoing work opportunities.

Listen actively to client feedback and be open to making adjustments that enhance their experience with your services.

Personalized attention goes a long way; so does expressing gratitude for their patronage.

These simple actions help turn one-time projects into long-term partnerships that benefit both you and your customers as you grow your tech side hustle alongside your full-time job.

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What are the Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Tech Side Hustle?

When embarking on a tech side hustle, sidestepping typical pitfalls can make the difference between a profitable venture and a cautionary tale — dive in to learn how to navigate these common slip-ups.

1. Undercharging.

Charging too little for your tech skills is a common pitfall that can reduce the value of your work in the eyes of clients.

It might seem like a quick way to attract business, but it often leads to burnout and financial strain.

You’re offering in-demand skills that can save or make businesses money; don’t undervalue what you bring to the table.

Set rates that reflect not only the time you put into your side hustle but also your experience and expertise.

Clients are willing to pay for quality and reliability, which go hand-in-hand with well-priced services.

If you’re working as much as a full-time job but seeing less income, it’s time to reassess your pricing strategy for those high-demand tech tasks.

2. Not diversifying income streams

Relying on a single source of income from your tech side hustle can be risky.

If that one gig slows down or ends, you might find yourself scrambling to pay bills. That’s why it’s smart to have different projects with various clients.

This strategy keeps money flowing in, even if one stream dries up.

Diversification also allows you to explore multiple interests and build an array of skills that can attract more opportunities.

It means taking on web development while maybe running tech support or QA testing on the side.

This approach not only pads your wallet but also broadens your experience in the ever-evolving tech world.

3. Not setting boundaries.

Setting clear boundaries is essential when juggling a tech side hustle with your full-time job.

Without setting specific work hours and personal time, it’s easy to let work consume your life.

Establish limits on when clients can contact you and stick to them. This discipline helps maintain a healthy balance between your day job, side projects, and personal well-being.

Neglecting to create boundaries often leads to burnout and can strain relationships at home or in the workplace.

Be upfront about what you can handle and communicate openly with clients about expectations.

Remember that saying no sometimes means protecting the quality of your work across all commitments.

Now let’s move forward and discuss why continuously learning and improving skills are vital for sustaining a tech side hustle.

4. Not continuously learning and improving skills.

Just as setting boundaries is crucial, actively upgrading your skills is essential in the fast-paced tech world.

The industry evolves rapidly, and staying on top of new tools and technologies can set you apart from the competition.

If you rest on your current knowledge, you risk falling behind as new programming languages emerge and digital platforms update.

To thrive in a tech side hustle alongside your full-time job, embrace continuous learning.

Take online courses to enhance your abilities or dive into emerging fields like artificial intelligence or blockchain.

Tech trends can shift quickly; be ready to adapt and learn so that the services you offer always reflect the in-demand skills that clients are seeking.

5. Not having a solid marketing plan.

Learning new skills is just the beginning. Equally important to your tech side hustle success is a robust marketing plan.

Without one, even the most skilled individuals might find their talents overlooked in a crowded marketplace.

A strong marketing strategy helps target the right clients and showcases your expertise effectively.

Imagine developing an app without telling anyone about it; that’s what skipping on marketing feels like for your business.

An absence of clear, consistent messaging across platforms can lead to missed opportunities and wasted effort.

Harnessing social media, online forums, and word-of-mouth are vital tactics to get noticed by potential customers looking for someone with your in-demand skills while balancing a full-time job or other commitments.

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Tired of empty promises and endless hustles? learn how to turn your skills and passions into your first $1,000 online. Stop dreaming, start earning.

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What are the Best Tech Side Hustles?

Dive into a world where your tech skills can unlock numerous opportunities beyond the nine-to-five grind.

From creating digital landscapes to troubleshooting tech dilemmas, these side hustles are not just about making extra cash; they’re platforms for you to flex your technical muscles and fuel your passion.

1. Web development.

Web development stands out as one of the best tech side hustles for those with a knack for building and maintaining websites.

With businesses increasingly moving online, your skills in crafting functional and visually appealing sites are more valuable than ever.

Mastery of coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can set you up to create engaging user experiences. You could work on everything from small personal blogs to large e-commerce platforms.

Tapping into this field means you could offer full-service freelance options or specialize in areas such as content management systems (CMS), eCommerce solutions, or mobile-friendly adaptations.

The beauty of web development is the ability to often work remotely, offering services globally while possibly generating passive income through project-based fees or ongoing maintenance agreements.

Keep your edge sharp by continuously updating your knowledge base with free tutorials on new programming languages and staying abreast of search engine algorithm changes.

2. Graphic design.

Graphic design is a creative tech side hustle that lets you turn visuals into cash.

With businesses constantly seeking fresh ways to capture audiences, your ability to create striking logos, engaging layouts, and eye-catching advertisements opens doors to numerous opportunities.

You don’t necessarily need a degree; many graphic designers have found success with strong portfolios and a knack for visual storytelling.

Platforms like Adobe Creative Suite become your playground where each project enhances your portfolio and showcases your talent to potential clients.

As companies aim for a stronger online presence, they often search for savvy designers who can deliver that professional edge.

By mastering key software and understanding the principles of good design, you position yourself as the go-to expert for brands looking to stand out in a crowded digital space.

Just make sure to negotiate fair rates that reflect both your skill level and the value you bring to each project.

Moving on from creating visual web content, let’s explore how managing it can also be lucrative: social media management awaits next on our list of tech side hustles.

3. Social media management.

Shifting from the visual flair of graphic design, social media management offers an interactive platform to flex your communication muscles.

As a social media manager, you wield the power to shape brands’ online presence and engage with a global audience.

Your days might involve crafting catchy posts, analyzing engagement data or managing advertising campaigns to boost visibility.

This tech side gig taps into skills like creativity, strategic planning, and customer interaction.

The demand for savvy social media managers is on the rise as businesses seek to enhance their digital footprints across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Diving into this role could mean curating content calendars or running promotional contests that drive traffic and fan loyalty.

It’s not just about making posts; it’s also about nurturing an active community around a brand — all while you possibly generate passive income from anywhere with internet access.

4. Blogging and content creation.

Blogging and Content Creation offer a fantastic tech side hustle for those with a knack for writing and engaging audiences.

By sharing your knowledge on technical topics, from SEO fundamentals to web development skills, you can establish an online presence that attracts readers and potential clients.

Create posts that provide value, whether through tutorials, product reviews, or industry insights.

Successful bloggers not only produce regular content but also promote it through social media channels to increase visibility.

Diversify your offerings by providing freelance writing services tailored toward tech blog needs — think guides on operating systems or the latest in mobile app developer trends.

This hustle flexes your creativity while allowing you to monetize your expertise in various tech niches without committing to a full-time job’s constraints.

5. SEO consulting.

Moving from imparting knowledge through tutoring and coaching, another lucrative tech side hustle to consider is SEO consulting.

As an SEO consultant, you dive deep into the mechanics of websites and search engines.

You help businesses climb the ranks in Google’s search results using on-page optimisation.

With your expertise, clients refine their online content to capture more traffic. It’s a game-changer for companies looking to stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

You don’t just tweak website copy; your role involves analyzing data trends and researching keywords that bring users to sites like magnets.

SEO specialists also provide actionable strategies for long-term growth — think link-building campaigns or advising on site architecture improvements.

If you have a basic understanding of how search algorithms work and can deliver measurable results, SEO consulting could be your ticket to high-demand freelancing success.

6. Quality assurance testing.

Quality assurance testing stands as a tech side hustle that taps into the necessity for error-free software and applications.

As businesses strive to launch perfect products, they look for testers who can meticulously check for bugs and glitches.

You’ll use automated tests and your keen eye to ensure every feature works just right before customers get their hands on it.

This role requires attention to detail and an understanding of how different parts of a program work together.

You could start by offering your services part-time while keeping your full-time job.

The demand is high, and if you’ve got programming skills, you’re already ahead of the curve.

Businesses value a quality assurance tester who can not only identify problems but also suggest solutions or even fix issues directly.

You might consider certification programs to sharpen your abilities further, which can help you stand out in this competitive field.

Next up: Digital marketing and advertising strategies that can boost any tech gig’s success rate significantly.

7. Digital marketing and advertising.

Digital marketing and advertising are powerful tools for reaching a wide audience online.

They use strategies like social media campaigns, email newsletters, and pay-per-click ads to grab attention and drive traffic.

With businesses always looking to increase their online presence, these skills are in high demand.

By mastering digital marketing techniques, you can help companies build their brand and connect with customers.

Crafting successful ad campaigns requires a creative mind and the ability to analyze data.

You’ll need to understand on-page optimization to ensure websites attract visitors. It’s also essential to keep up with trends in video content as businesses often seek engaging visuals for promotion.

If you have an eye for what grabs people’s interest on the internet, this side hustle could be quite profitable. Some people are making 1000 a day with it.

As more commerce moves online, skilled marketers who can navigate the digital landscape will find plenty of growth opportunities.

8. Tech support.

Tech support offers a great way for tech enthusiasts to turn problem-solving skills into cash.

Every day, countless people and companies encounter technical hiccups with their devices and software.

As a tech support specialist, you can tackle these challenges head-on. You might offer remote troubleshooting or provide on-site assistance depending on the client’s needs.

Imagine being the hero who gets someone’s computer back online or rescues lost data!

This side hustle doesn’t necessarily require a full-time commitment but can still bring in a steady stream of income.

It relies heavily on your ability to diagnose and fix tech issues swiftly. The demand for reliable technical support is always high since technology is integral to nearly all aspects of modern life.

With solid web design skills, coding knowledge, and an understanding of various operating systems, you could be well-positioned to excel in this field.

9. App development.

Building apps can turn into a lucrative side hustle, with millions of users looking to download the next big thing on their smartphones.

App developers bring ideas to life by writing code, designing interfaces, and testing functionality in mobile applications that could reach global audiences.

They need strong coding skills and an understanding of different operating systems like iOS and Android.

With app development, you tap into a market where innovation is rewarded. You might start by developing small utility apps or games as you hone your craft.

As your abilities grow, so do opportunities for more complex projects that can lead to significant earnings.

This field requires continuous learning but offers immense flexibility with tech support jobs often seeking skilled app developers who understand user experience and can troubleshoot issues effectively.

10. Video editing.

Video editing has become a sought-after tech side hustle, especially as online content continues to dominate.

Skilled video editors can turn raw footage into polished work for YouTube creators, corporate brands, and small businesses.

With the right software and an eye for story-telling, your cuts could make videos come alive.

Side note: Video editing is easier than ever before in 2024 thanks to AI tools. I’ve been using Pictory AI to easily edit videos.

Starting in this field requires you to master cutting-edge tools and understand the basics of storytelling through visual means.

This includes knowing how to sync audio perfectly with visuals or adding effects that enhance the overall message of the project.

Successful video editors offer their services on freelance platforms or create websites showcasing their portfolios.

Demand for this skill is high as every second of professional-quality video represents both time saved and potential earnings increased for clients who need engaging content in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

11. Coding and programming.

Coding and programming offer endless opportunities for a profitable tech side hustle.

With businesses constantly searching for ways to improve their digital presence, your ability to write clean code can be in high demand.

You could work on projects ranging from building responsive websites to creating complex software solutions.

If you’re skilled in languages such as Python, JavaScript, or Ruby, you can find plenty of freelance gigs that pay well.

Use your coding prowess to help companies optimize their websites (on-page optimisation) or develop custom apps that drive business goals forward.

Plus, this kind of work often allows you the freedom to set your schedule and rates, fitting perfectly around a full-time job if needed.

12. Technical writing.

Technical writing is a fantastic avenue for tech enthusiasts to transform complex information into easy-to-understand documents.

With in-demand skills, you can craft user manuals, how-to guides, or document software applications.

Businesses seek clear communicators who can bridge the gap between developers and everyday users. The ability to break down technical jargon into plain language makes this role crucial.

If you’re good with words and understand tech topics, consider a side hustle as a technical writer.

Freelance opportunities abound for those who can convey intricate concepts effectively.

You manage your time while helping others grasp technological tools and programs — perfect for balancing with a full-time job.

Let’s now look at how freelance writing offers additional prospects for tech side gigs.

13. Freelance writing.

Freelance writing stands out as a lucrative tech side hustle that flexes well with a full-time job.

Writers create blog posts, articles, and marketing materials for various clients, leveraging their talent to meet the content needs of businesses in countless industries.

The digital world’s hunger for fresh content keeps this skill highly in demand.

Crafting powerful words without leaving your home office has never been easier thanks to online platforms connecting writers to gigs.

You set your schedule and pick topics that match your interests or expertise.

With every project, you can grow your portfolio and boost your reputation as a skilled writer, potentially unlocking doors to higher-paying opportunities.

Keep honing those writing skills; they’re gold in the tech support side hustle market!

14. Web design.

Web design is a creative tech side hustle where you can put your artistic skills to work.

Craft stunning websites that help businesses stand out online. Master various web design tools and platforms, understanding user experience principles to create engaging and intuitive sites.

Your services are in high demand as companies strive for an impressive digital presence alongside their full-time operations.

Take charge of projects and collaborate with clients to bring their vision to life. This role requires keeping up with the latest trends and technologies, ensuring you offer cutting-edge designs.

Next up, let’s look at how freelance writing can be another lucrative opportunity in the tech industry.

Hey There!

Tired of empty promises and endless hustles? learn how to turn your skills and passions into your first $1,000 online. Stop dreaming, start earning.

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A tech side hustle could be right for you. We listed 15 to help you get started. The key is finding what works for you.

Don’t forget to harness the power of AI tools that are available to you. This will allow you to shortcut your learning curve and potentially be able to offer a wide range of tech services.



Udemezue John

Software Dev | Blogger | Digital Marketing. I Post about building an online business. 👉👉 How To Make Money Online