Dear Human: This is our THANK YOU!

2 min readDec 22, 2016


Dear Human,

This is our thank you.

We did a lot of growing up this year; First, we changed our name from UXLagos to USABLE, then we expanded to a new city — Abuja.

We also learned a lot by playing host to the attendees. It’s been a VERY memorable year.

Big ups to the Abuja community for embracing us, to re:learn for hosting us and to @emmienemaks for leading the charge. And thanks for bearing with us through the meetups without our traditional pie and drinks — it’s change😂😂.

We couldn’t be prouder of our Lagos community who remained ever steadfast. This year we had to move floors at short notice — even completed a meetup in the dark when the generator gave way 😅. But we had fun! We grew by 127% with the average meetup attendance rising to 48 people over the last 11 months. THANK YOU.

We are grateful to the speakers and panelists who took time out to share their knowledge with us. We know we are better for it and hope to host you again.

We are deeply grateful to CcHUB our very own “day one”. CcHUB has been supportive since the beginning — the very reason we are here.

Dear Human,
We are thankful for you. We started because we wanted to elevate the place of design in conversations around product development, in Nigeria and Africa (boy can we dream! 😆). The goal is to help people make products that serve you better.

Dear Human,
We are still far from achieving that goal.

Dear Human
This is our thank you. Our expression of gratitude for a great year. 2017 gives us another chance at edging closer to this dream.

We hope to do more in 2017.


PS: Here’s a summary of our year in numbers

Summary of 2016 activities.




Product Designer • Community Organizer - @usable_ • Speaker • Pretend Chef • Human