Discrimination against girl child

Udhavum Ullangal Illam
2 min readApr 9, 2016


This is not at all a hidden fact that India has been observing discrimination against girl child from past numerous eras, but now it is high time to curb this issue and stand against the problem of female-feticide. Experts from UdhavumUllangalIllam believe that by taking tough actions against female-feticide a lot of progressive change can be induced in the world. This goes without saying that female feticide is the most sinful form of inhumanity against women. Ever since the equipments for sex determination came into existence, sex selective abortion has let loose a tale of dismay in India. Today in many parts of India, a girl child is destroyed before birth and people feel no reluctance in doing such a scandalous crime.

Although the process of sex determination or sex selection is a criminal offence in India, still there is no control over it and it is being practiced widely in various towns and cities. Private clinics have ultrasound machines and other up-to-date technologies that are misused to find out the sex of an unborn child. It is awful to know that even after knowing that this is a serious crime, people are still ready to pay a lot of money to know the sex of an unborn child and to abort the female child. This technology has even touched far-flung areas of the country and the rate of female feticide is substantially high in such areas.

In the olden time when any such technology was not present, the girl child used to be killed pitilessly by her own parents and relatives by various other means. The saddest part was that no one used to express even an iota of regret on the death of these baby girls.



Udhavum Ullangal Illam

Udhavum Ullangal is a free home for orphan children organized by a team of retired and like minded people from various organizations.