TEAM OF LLMs: Can we create an LLM-powered R&D team?

Can LLM agents revolutionize R&D by replacing traditional teams, or are they limited by their lack of understanding and real-world experience?

Udi Lumnitz
6 min readAug 7, 2024
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What if the next breakthrough innovation wasn’t dreamt up in a lab, but crafted by a team of tireless, digital minds? What if those minds could access the sum of human knowledge in an instant and generate ideas at a pace unmatched by even the most brilliant human minds? This isn’t science fiction — it’s the tantalizing promise of LLM-powered R&D.

Imagine a world where R&D cycles are shortened from years to months, where the cost of innovation plummets, and where groundbreaking discoveries are no longer limited by human biases or the slow pace of traditional research. This is the potential impact of building R&D teams composed of LLM-based agents. These digital teams could analyze massive datasets, identify hidden patterns, generate novel solutions, and even conduct experiments — all while operating 24/7 and learning from each other’s successes and failures.

While we’re not quite there yet, the world of LLM-powered R&D is getting closer every day. Advancements in the field of large language models have opened up new possibilities for the development of intelligent agents that can tackle a wide range of tasks. As the adoption of these models continues to grow, the idea of creating an “R&D team” composed entirely of LLM-based agents has become an intriguing concept.

The Challenges of Assembling an LLM-Powered R&D Team

Building an R&D team of LLMs sounds amazing, but there are a few hurdles to overcome. It’s like assembling a brilliant but somewhat naive team:

  • Thinking Deeply: LLMs are great at mimicking human language, but they don’t truly “understand” the world as we do. Imagine asking an LLM to design a new type of bicycle. It might create something visually stunning based on thousands of images, but it could miss practical elements like steering or even how gravity works! They struggle with that deeper level of reasoning and planning.
  • Real-World Experience: LLMs learn from text and code, but they haven’t actually experienced the world. Think of it like this: you can read every book about cooking, but you won’t be a chef without actually being in a kitchen. LLMs lack that intuitive, hands-on understanding that humans gain from living.
  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Humans are social creatures, we’ve learned to navigate complex team dynamics. LLMs are still catching up. It’s like putting a bunch of brilliant minds in a room without teaching them how to collaborate effectively — there might be friction! We’re still figuring out how to make LLMs work together seamlessly.

The good news? We’re already seeing exciting progress. LLMs are being used to create autonomous agents that can handle specific tasks and even engage in role-playing scenarios to learn social interaction. It’s still early days, but the potential is enormous.

LLMs as Coders: From Lines of Code to Lines in the Sand

One of the most promising applications of LLMs is in the realm of code generation. These systems are like turbocharged autocomplete for programmers, capable of churning out lines of code with impressive accuracy. Here are a few heavy hitters in the game:

  • GitHub Copilot: Developed by GitHub and OpenAI, Copilot acts as an AI pair programmer, suggesting code completions, entire functions, and even documentation. It’s like having a super-smart (but sometimes slightly offbeat) coding buddy by your side.
  • Codex (powering OpenAI’s API): The engine behind Copilot, Codex is a powerful LLM specifically trained on a massive dataset of code. It can generate code in multiple programming languages and even translate natural language descriptions into working code.
  • AlphaCode: This system takes code generation to the next level by tackling competitive programming challenges. AlphaCode has demonstrated an ability to solve problems that require problem-solving skills and logical reasoning, often outperforming human programmers.

The Catch: Code is Just the Beginning

While these code-generating LLMs are undeniably impressive, they represent just one piece of the R&D puzzle. Building a successful product or conducting groundbreaking research involves much more than just writing code. It requires a deep understanding of user needs (product), a keen eye for design and usability, and the ability to navigate the often messy world of project management and collaboration.

LLMs in the Workplace: Early Success Stories

This is where frameworks like MetaGPT and AgileCoder come in. They aim to move beyond simple code generation and create LLM-powered teams that can handle the full spectrum of R&D tasks. Think of them as the architects trying to build a functional R&D department, not just a room full of coding robots.


  • What it is: A framework designed to make LLM teams work together more like, well, a team.
  • Main Contribution: MetaGPT introduces the concept of “Standardized Operating Procedures” for LLMs. These SOPs act like guidelines, helping agents avoid common pitfalls, double-check their work, and generally play nice with others.
  • What’s Missing: Defining effective SOPs for every possible scenario is a tall order. MetaGPT still needs to learn how to adapt to new situations and handle those “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature” moments that often lead to breakthroughs.


  • What it is: An attempt to bring the collaborative spirit of Agile software development to the world of LLMs.
  • Main Contribution: AgileCoder assigns roles to different LLM agents, mimicking the dynamics of a real development team. It even uses a “Dynamic Code Graph Generator” to keep track of the codebase as it evolves, just like a tech-savvy version of a whiteboard covered in sticky notes.
  • What’s Missing: Agile development relies heavily on communication and feedback loops. AgileCoder still has a way to go in replicating the nuances of human interaction and the ability to course-correct based on real-time feedback.

These examples highlight the incredible progress being made in LLM-powered R&D. As these systems continue to evolve, we can expect to see even more creative and sophisticated applications emerge, blurring the lines between human ingenuity and AI assistance.

The Road Ahead: Human-in-the-Loop as the Guiding Principle

As we’ve explored, the idea of an R&D team composed entirely of LLMs is both exciting and fraught with challenges. While LLMs excel at tasks like code generation (think GitHub Copilot, Codex) and can even mimic certain aspects of teamwork, they still lack the deeper understanding, real-world experience, and nuanced social intelligence of their human counterparts.

In my view, the most fruitful path forward lies in embracing a human-in-the-loop approach, not just for training LLMs, but also for designing the products and frameworks that will shape LLM-powered R&D. This means:

  1. Human-Guided Learning: LLMs should be trained on data that has been carefully curated and annotated by humans. They should also be able to learn continuously from human feedback, guidance, and demonstrations. This will help them develop a deeper understanding of human intent, values, and creativity.
  2. Human-Centered Design: The products and frameworks we build for LLM-powered R&D should be designed with human needs and workflows in mind. They should provide humans with meaningful control, transparency, and explainability. The goal is not to replace human researchers but to augment their capabilities and empower them to achieve more.

Here are some key areas where human-in-the-loop research can drive progress:

  • Enhancing Reasoning and Abstraction: Humans can guide LLMs toward developing more sophisticated reasoning abilities by providing them with carefully crafted examples, explanations, and counterfactuals. This includes fostering causal reasoning, commonsense reasoning, and the ability to abstract and generalize from limited data.
  • Improving Collaboration and Teamwork: We can design frameworks that facilitate seamless collaboration between humans and LLMs. This involves developing LLMs that can communicate effectively, understand and adapt to human social cues, and learn from human expertise in teamwork and conflict resolution.
  • Integrating Real-World Knowledge and Experience: Humans can play a crucial role in grounding LLMs in the real world. This can involve providing them with rich, multi-modal data, creating simulations and embodied experiences, and offering feedback on their actions and decisions in real-world contexts.

By embracing a human-in-the-loop approach, we can harness the immense potential of LLMs while mitigating their limitations. This will pave the way for a future where human ingenuity and AI assistance work hand-in-hand to drive innovation.



Udi Lumnitz

VP of Research @ Applicaster. Passionate about HCI, data science, and rock climbing.