How to work with web socket using react js and spring boot frame works

Udith Shalinda
2 min readNov 19, 2019


If you are using maven in spring boot application you have to include below dependencies in pom.xml file

<!-- -->
<!-- RabbitMQ Starter Dependency (Not required if you're using the simple in-memory broker for STOMP) -->
<!-- Following dependency is required for Full Featured STOMP Broker Relay -->

If you are using gradle your build.gradle file should have this dependencies.

dependencies {
//other dependencies

if you want more details about this,please refer the spring-boot documentation on dependencies for the web socket.

Then you have to configure the web socket end points and enables a simple in-memory broker

Controller class looks like this.

public ChatMessage sendMessage(@Payload ChatMessage chatMessage) {
return chatMessage;

Since I use app prefix in web socket config file this method maps to “app/sendMessage” and then it returns the message content to the path “/topic/public”.In the front end we can subscribe this path (“/topic/public”) and then we will be able to execute any function when it gets a message.

First in front end we should have some dependencies

npm i sockjs-clientnpm i stompjs

import these things on your web socket subscribing file

import SockJS from 'sockjs-client';import Stomp from 'stompjs';

You have to execute below lines and to subscribe that path.

var sock = new SockJS('http://localhost:8102/api/ws');let stompClient = Stomp.over(sock);sock.onopen = function() {  console.log('open');}stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) {   console.log('Connected: ' + frame);   stompClient.subscribe('/topic/public', function (greeting) {     console.log(greeting);
//you can execute any function here

When you want to send the message

stompClient.send("/app/sendMessage", {},"your message here");

Thank you!!

