Who is the lead singer in that commercial about creditreport.com?

12 min readApr 10, 2019


Who is the lead singer in that commercial about creditreport.com?

I’m sorry. It’s freecreditreport.com

Answer : http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=MEDFEBMah2phaelah .

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“Who is the lead singer in that commercial about creditreport.com?

I’m sorry. It’s freecreditreport.com

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i am trying to buy a 98 lexus es 300 not because of the name lexus but simply because its a good car , it has 148,000 on it and the price is 4700 , definitely under bluebook. I dont have credit really i just have a credit card i havent worked because im a pre-med student and i can barely handle that much work. My grandfather is retired now but he has a pension that shows he can pay the debt off, but he had bad credit, i really need this loan and soon does anyone know of a legit lender that will lend 5000 to me and my grandfather……””

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Is 15.24% ARP high for a credit card interest rate?
Judy, I actaully have decent credit, my score as of last month was 730. And I already pay about 100 dollars every month over what is owed. I also payed off my car in January. I am only 23, so over all I am pretty happy with where I am at so far. — — — — — — — I just got a job three days ago after going through some intense unemployment and am thrilled to finally be able to pay alot more. Thank you for the information about my APR, I am grateful it is not higher now :-). I might check into a credit union card, thank you for the suggestion!””
Do you have to declare you have dependants when applying for a home loan?
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“”I already have a Loan for $1000 with 1stmariner Bank, if i need another can they add it to that one?
Can the bank just add another like Auto Loan to my current Loan ? or even just give me a separate one without a cosigner? I am only 20. I have made all payments on time and have good credit. would they allow me to add to current or even just get another new one without cosigner?
Who’s that singing guy on the freecreditreport.com commercial?
who’s the guy on that freecreditreport.com commercial? its the singing commercial, and there are two other guys in the commercial. the guy im looking for is the singer. i think he is so adorable, if not cute. or where can i find a website to help me look?””
If I pay my mortgage weekly instead of monthly will that shorten the time it takes to pay my house off?
I’ve heard that making your mortgage payment weekly instead of monthly will shorten the time it takes to pay off my house, and the amount of interest that I will pay also. Does anyone know if this is ture?””
“Who is the lead singer in that commercial about creditreport.com?

I’m sorry. It’s freecreditreport.com

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Soo I did free credit report and it charged me one dollar…. um is it going to charge me more or no Mind you I just did the 30 day thing …
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every website I check they ask for a damn credit card…so if anyone has any suggestions it would be helpful
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