MiDAS Spotlight: Rachel West

UF Digital Worlds Institute
3 min readSep 14, 2023
Rachel West — 3D Modeler & Programmer

Undergraduate Degree: Digital Arts and Sciences (Engineering)

Three words that best describe you: Approachable, Creative, Flexible

What brought you to the MiDAS program?

As I was going through my undergraduate degree, I found myself wanting to pursue more creative projects in tech. With my mix of skills in both 3D and programming, I felt that MiDAS was a great opportunity to challenge and continue to hone those skills to a more professional level. Exploring the MiDAS website and past cohorts’ projects made me genuinely excited and kind of sealed what I wanted to do after undergrad.

What was your lightbulb moment that took you down this career path?

While I have skills from my computer science background, ideally I would like to pursue a career in 3D modeling. In my very first semester as a freshman, I had the opportunity to take a 3D modeling course and absolutely fell in love with it, so much so that I was a TA for that same class for the next three years. I think it perfectly combines my passion for art while also utilizing a lot of technical aspects of the work process, and I feel like it’s something that I have a knack in.

What interactive experience are you looking forward to creating in the near future?

Right now, we have an active haptic chair set up in the lab. It’s currently my goal to make a fun and immersive virtual reality experience using this chair, and luckily, we already have a few ideas running on what we can do with it.

What is your favorite class you’ve taken in your program?

It is to nobody’s surprise that my favorite class so far is Applied 3D Modeling from the summer semester. We spent all semester modeling large cyberpunk buildings, in which we also had to hand paint for the texturing portion. While testing my determination, I really enjoyed working on the project and was super happy with the results.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I have a canine tooth that is 180 degrees backwards. It was originally an impacted tooth that had to be pulled down with a chain while I had braces in middle school. When I told my orthodontist that my tooth felt backwards, he brushed me off. I only got confirmation that my suspicions were right, well after that orthodontist mysteriously disappeared from the office and I got a new one.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten?

I’ve always fantasized about a quiet but comfy life in a single apartment with a stable job. I think it would allow me to fulfill my introverted life while still having the flexibility to travel and have some fun.

Favorite place you’ve visited?

Japan! In the summer of 2022, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Kyoto for two months and I absolutely loved it. If I had the chance, I would go back and visit in a heartbeat.



UF Digital Worlds Institute

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