What is a local board on the ufoodo platform?

The ufoodo Team
4 min readMay 1, 2018


Let’s take Labour Day serious. While Uber Eats, Foodora and Deliveroo exploit their couriers with horrible working conditions, bad wages and deceitful contracts, we are working on a solution to improve not only the couriers but also the restaurants’ situation. We are working on a decentralized solution that revolutionizes the way we work and cooperate together. Fair, democratic and transparent.

A vital part of ufoodo’s business are our so called local boards — what are they exactly?

The blockchain enabled us to decentralize businesses and although decentralization bears certain risks, its advantages are evident.
If you followed this blog you‘ve read already how ufoodo is able to outperform its competitors and why it relies on the blockchain and its cryptocurrency UFT to do so. In this article, we are going to explain what local boards are. How they are organized, how they function and what advantages and risks a local board bears.

How a local board starts

A local board starts, stands and possibly fails with the person who starts it. Theoretically, anyone can start a local board at ufoodo, that can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. The entry barrier to start a business is normally relatively high so that there is some sort of natural mechanism that ensures professionality that is not given at ufoodo. The entry barrier is low and so the likeliness of less committed persons starting a local board could state a problem. So how would things turn out for ufoodo in such a case? So, let‘s suppose the person that wants to start ufoodo is not the best suited to do so. He/she is unreliable, lazy and inexperienced. How would things turn out then? The result would simply be that this local board fails and that the free market would find a better-suited person to do so to serve the demand for a fair, transparent and cost-effective delivery service. It is true that bad organizers and administrators could damage the name of ufoodo, but this damage would be limited to that very local area where these persons operated. But there are is an unimaginable amount of cities out there where existing on-demand food delivery services do not and cannot operate while ufoodo can. So there is a huge potential for ufoodo and it‘s likely that ufoodo will succeed. Of course, the core team will guide and the early development of ufoodo to ensure professionality.

What is a local board?

A local board is the power cell of ufoodo. It is everything that an on-demand food delivery service needs in a delivery area stripped down to what is essential. Ever wondered why Deliveroo, Uber Eats etc. cannot run in smaller cities? It is because their fix costs are tremendously high, they spent millions each year on expansion and advertising campaigns, they run unnecessary offices and headquarters that cost hundreds of millions of Euros in construction and their workforce is not even allocated efficiently.
A local board changes this. It consists of couriers, restaurant owners, and organizers while leaving out the middleman. Practically this means that fundamental business decisions will be made democratically. Now that doesn‘t mean that local boards will get caught up with running the local board and that they don‘t have time anymore to care about their actual business. Such an assembly of a local board will take place only a few times a year (possibly every quarter of the year). Subjects that need to be discussed will be earnings/profits, complaints and improvements, and e.g. whether or not the local board should start an advertising campaign. All regarding data and information will be openly shared, communicated and discussed.

The advantages of a local board over centralized businesses

Many people have the notion that raising the ethical standard in businesses means automatically that the product or service that you offer has to be more expensive than the conventional alternative. But this is not the case with ufoodo. The blockchain enabled us to roll out a project that decentralizes and democratizes the food delivery business. Higher wages and profits for the actual workers are just the byproduct of this. The key innovations that ufoodo brings to the business can be summed up as followed:

  • decentralization means democratization
  • By deleting the middleman, participating contractors are no longer subject to a third partys or any investors interest. Decisions are made by the actual workers in a democratic manner.
  • reshaping employment. There is basically no employer-employee relationship anymore. Anybody who works with ufoodo is on the same level and the reason to collaborate is the goal of making profit together
  • common-profit: ufoodo as a platform itself is non-profit from the founders and investors view, so the profit goes to the ones doing the actual work. Through our cryptocurrency we are making this a collective project, allowing everyone to participate and to profit with us.
  • swarm intelligence and local solution finding: local boards are in the end autonomous entities, but they are connected through the global board that is in charge of maintaining and updating the software of ufoodo and to analyze and control the global business development. It is open to all ufoodo-token holders.

In this spirit, Happy Labour Day, everyone.

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