Why ufoodo is worth an investment

The ufoodo Team
2 min readApr 24, 2018


On-demand food delivery a young business branch. Currently, the market for food delivery stands €83 billion Euros and is still expected to grow rapidly according to McKinsey. Yet none of the market participants make any significant profit as of now. In addition to that, accusations of exploitation and bad working conditions are reported now more and more often among all market participants. The reason for that are high fix costs, expensive offices, and headquarters that cost hundreds of millions of Euros. Costly expansion and advertising campaigns aggravate these problems even further and are financed on the shoulders of the people who actually generate the profit.

The existing food delivery services seem to have no answers so far to address these problems. And that‘s no wonder. Their commissions range from 25% to 35% which is a huge part of the profit of a restaurant. Yet profit expectations are still low for the next years for these services. As of now, there seems to be little room to raise wages and to improve working conditions.

This is why the on-demand food delivery business is the perfect opportunity to show the world how the blockchain can actually benefit our society. Decentralization means that the commission can be reduced tremendously to only 15% of each deal. This way courier wages can be raised while more profit stays on the side of the restaurant. Furthermore, to decentralize means to democratize a business as well, to make it more transparent and to include all contractors and participants in business decisions. While ufoodo is highly competitive, exploitation is virtually impossible on ufoodo as well. And as ufoodo is decentralized, it can work in small towns and cities as well. Thus, ufoodo has a guaranteed market and a very decisive advantage over its competitors.

Decentralization and its usefulness are the backbones of ufoodo. We don‘t need expensive headquarters, offices and expansion campaigns. We just need blockchain enthusiasts willing to start their own local food-delivery business as a recruiter, administrator and or courier etc.

ufoodo needs you! Join our pre-sale:


Here are the 3 takeaways why you should invest into ufoodo:

  • the on-demand food delivery branch is rather new and has many problems that the old economy businesses can not solve, but ufoodo can!
  • low wages and bad working conditions can be improved significantly through decentralization while staying highly competitive
  • ufoodo has a business model that is based on fairness and transparency, which guarantees a fair share of the market, as it is able to run in small cities


