Pro-CCP groups of Canada in 2019

7 min readJul 5, 2019


With Hong Kong’s tradition of rule of law under threat from a proposed extradition treaty with China — where arbitrary detention, forced confessions and torture of teachers, police officers, students, lawyers, businesspeople and even CCP members are routine — the city has pulled out all the stops in order to keep its laws and society intact.

In turn, pro-CCP groups in Hong Kong and around the world have been mobilised to try and build public opinion against the will of the city.

In Vancouver, this has taken the form of newspaper ads placed in several newspapers. Leading that push is the Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver [CBA].

Founded in 1895, the CBA is now [ab]used to carry water for Beijing, under a president who less than a year ago was sent by the CCP’s United Front Work Department political warfare bureaucracy back to Canada to carry out ideological “combat” for the CCP and against our country.

Hong Kong scholar Wai-Man Lam shows us how pro-CCP groups adopt CCP language when talking about the city: “The fight for universal suffrage was branded as attempts to seek political independence from China.”

The statement published last month by Vancouver’s CBA uses similar, but much stronger language, calling Hong Kongers violent splittists manipulated by foreign forces.

Further use of CCP language in the statement, such as repeating Beijing’s tired line about foreign government interference in domestic affairs and claiming all Hong Kongers as blood property of the Yellow Emperor/CCP, therein shows us that the groups signed on to this statement have adopted the position and now align themselves with the Chinese Communist Party — between the CCP and Hong Kong there is no third party in this debate; the city many of us are nostalgic for no longer exists.

While not an effective statement on their part, the move at least provided us a list of pro-CCP groups active in Canada in 2019. Those lacking an English name have been translated [and bracketed] the simplest way possible:

Column 1
Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver 温哥华中华会馆
Chinese Hongmen/Freemasons National Headquarters of Canada 加拿大中国洪门民治党总部
Dart Coon Club 全加洪门达权总社
Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations 多伦多华人社团联合总会
Canadian Alliance of Chinese Associations 加拿大华人社团联席会
Canadian Community Service Association 加拿大华人联合总会
Chinese Community Association of Ottawa 渥太华中华会馆
Chinese Benevolent Association of Edmonton 亚省点问顿中华会馆
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of Victoria 加拿大域多利中华会馆
Chinese Canadians for China’s Reunification (GTA) 全加华人促进中国统一委员会(大多伦多区)
Hong Kong Canadians on Hong Kong Situation Association 加国港人关注港情协会(香港会)
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons of Victoria 洪门民治党域多利支部
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Nanaimo chapter 洪门民治党乃磨分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Duncan chapter 洪门民治党党近分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Vancouver chapter 洪门民治党温哥华片市鲁别分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Prince Rupert chapter 洪门民治党片市鲁别分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Prince George chapter 洪门民治党片市佐珠分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Vernon chapter 洪门民治党温宁分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Nelson chapter 洪门民治党汝利慎分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Kamloops chapter 洪门民治党锦碌支部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Seven Seas Restaurant chapter 洪门民治党企连打分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Calgary chapter 洪门民治党卡加利分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Saskatoon chapter 洪门民治党沙市加寸分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Lethbridge chapter 洪门民治党列必珠分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons Winnipeg chapter 洪门民治党温地辟分部
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons Medicine Hat chapter 洪门民治党尾利填血分部
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Toronto chapter 洪门民治党多伦多分部、达权支社
Dart Coon Club/La Société de Francs-maçons Chinois Loge de Montréal 洪门民治党满地可分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Ottawa chapter 洪门民治党渥太华分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club London chapter 洪门民治党伦敦分部、达权支社
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons/Dart Coon Club Edmonton chapter 洪门民治党点问顿分部、达权支社
[Chinese Hongmen/Freemasons of Ottawa Zhi Gong Party Youth Committee] 渥太华洪门致公青年委员会
Edmonton Hung Mun Athletic Club 点问顿洪门体育会
The Chinese Hong Men Freemasons Regina chapter 洪门民治党雷振打分部
Mingnan Commerce Association of Canada 加拿大闽南总商会
Min Business Association of Canada 加拿大闽商总会
Yunnan General Business Association of Canada 加拿大云南总商会
Vietnamese Cambodian Laotian Community Services Association 安省越棉寮华人协会
Chao Chow Association of Ontario 安省潮州会馆
Fu-Kien Society of Ontario 加东福建同乡会
Lao Chinese Association of Ontario 安省寮华联谊会
Eastern Ontario Hoy Sun Association Canada 东安省台山同乡会

Column 2
Tai Shan Association of Ontario 安省台山同乡会
Sun Wei Association 多伦多新会同乡会
Toronto Chau Luen Kon Sol 安省昭伦公所
[Chinese Youth Association of Canada] 加拿大中华青年联合会
Fujian Commerce Association of Canada 加拿大福建总商会
Worldwide Stamp Collectors Association of Canada 加拿大世界邮票收藏品协会
Canada Qingdao General Chamber of Commerce 加拿大青岛总商会Mississauga Xin Tian Di Senior Association 密西沙加新天地老人联谊会Mississauga Seniors Association 密西沙加老人协会
Federation of Western Canada Chinese Associations 加拿大西部华人团体联合会
Jiangxi Association of Toronto 加拿大多伦多江西同乡会
Canada China Educational, Scientific and Cultural Association 加拿大加中教科文化协会
Fujian Culture Exchange & Community Association of Toronto 加拿大福建联谊会
[Fujian Benevolent Association of Canada] 加拿大福建会馆
Canada Fujian Chamber Of Commerce 加拿大福建商会
[Canada Fujian Fuzhou Shiyi Friendship Association] 加拿大福建福州十邑同乡会
[Canada Hainan Overseas Chinese Exchange Association] 加拿大海南华人华侨交流协会
Lem Si Ho Tong Society 多伦多林西河堂
Canadian Film Institute 加拿大电影协会
Toronto Tianshu Chorus 多伦多天舒合唱团
Canadian Society of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture 全加中医药针灸协会
Ontario-Jiangsu Friendship Association 安大略江苏友好协会
Canada-China Tourism & Cultural Association 加拿大中国旅游文化交流协会
Tibetan Association of Canada 加拿大藏胞联谊会
The Chinese Lingual Cultural Centre of Canada 加拿大华裔语言文化中心
Xiamen Overseas Chinese Society of Canada 加拿大福建社区服务中心
[Canada Hong Kong Enterprise General Trade of Commerce] 加拿大香港企业总商会
Canada Xiamen Friendship Association 加拿大厦门联谊会
[Canada China Enterprise Trade Investment General Chamber of Commerce] 加拿大中国企业贸易投资总商会
Shandong Community Service Association of Canada 加拿大齐鲁同乡会
Wong Kung Har Wun Sun Association of Ontario 安省黄江夏云山公所
Canada-China Economic & Cultural Promotion Council 加拿大中国经济文化交流促进协会
Canada-China Enterprise Capital Union 加中企业资本联盟
Zhanmao Benevolent Association General of Canada (Toronto) 加拿大多伦多湛茂同乡总会
Canada Toronto Zhanmao Chamber of Commerce 加拿大多伦多湛茂商会
Canada China Investment Association 加中投资商会
Canada Pingtan Association 加拿大平潭同乡会
Canada Fuzhou Chamber of Commerce 加拿大福州商会
Canada Confederation of Fujian Associations 加拿大福建社团联合总会
Enping Fellowship Society 加拿大恩平同乡会
Toronto Chinese Freemasons Athletic Club 多伦多洪门体育馆
Chinese Hongmen/Freemasons of Toronto Jin Hong Sing Cantonese Opera Troupe 多伦多洪门振洪声剧社

Column 3
Ottawa Council for the Promotion of Reunification of China 渥太华中国统一促进会
Edmonton China Town Multi-Cultural Centre 亚省中华文化中心
Edmonton Jin Wah Sing Musical Society 亚省点问顿振华声艺术研究社
[Alberta Edmonton Huaqin] 亚省爱城华亲
Lee’s Community Association of Edmonton 亚省点问顿李氏公所
Anhui Community Association of Canada 加拿大安徽同乡总会
Vancouver Fuqing Friendship Society of Canada 加拿大温哥华福清同乡会
Canada Vancouver Fuqing Chamber of Commerce 加拿大温哥华福清商会
Canadian Sichuanese Friendship Association 加拿大四川同乡总会
Canada Shandong Chinese Business Association 加拿大齐鲁华人总商会
Chinese Universities Alumni Association of Vancouver Canada 加拿大温哥华中国大专院校校友会
Canada Vancouver Shanxi Natives Society 加拿大温哥华山西同乡会
[Canada Ice Wine Society] 加拿大冰酒协会
Hebei Business Society of Canada 加拿大河北商会
Hebei Fellowship Association of Canada 加拿大河北同乡会
Canada Fujian Industry & Commerce Association 加拿大福建工商联合会
Zhejiang and Taizhou Commerce Association of North America 北美浙江台州总商会
Canadian Longyan Fellowship Association 加拿大龙岩同乡联谊会
CCSA Seniors Group 华联会老年协会
CCSA Youth Committee 华联会青委会
Canada-Yunnan United Service Association 加拿大云南联合会
Dalian Canadian Chamber of Commerce 加拿大大连商会
Canadian Chinese Poetry Association 加拿大中华诗词学会
WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society 文思移民与多元文化服务协会
Northeast China Association of Canada 加拿大东北同乡总会
Vancouver Seniors’ Singing Club Association 温哥华松柏曲艺敬老会
Canadian West Vancouver Asian Association 西温亚裔协会
Canada Youth Sport Alliance 加拿大青少年体育促进会
Beauty Vision Society 美丽愿景公益会
Vancouver International Volunteer Association 温哥华国际义工联合会
[North American Daqing Hometown Association] 北美大庆同乡会
[North American Daqing Chamber of Commerce] 北美大庆商会
Canada Shandong Chinese Business Association Toronto chapter 加拿大齐鲁同乡会 多伦多
Tianjin University Alumni Association of Vancouver 天津大学温哥华校友会
Canada China Legal Mutuality Association 加中法律交流协会
Canadian Pluralistic Cultural Exchanges Association 加拿大多元文化交流协会
Canada Shandong Industry and Commerce United Association 加拿大山东商会 蒙特利尔
Chinese Qipao Global Association Canadian Branch 中国旗袍世界联合总会加拿大总会
Vancouver Youngme Share and Serve Association 温哥华洋蜜公益会
[Canada International Wushu Championship Exchange Association] 加拿大国际武术锦标交流协会
Dalian Association of Vancouver 温哥华大连同乡会
Red-Shoe Dancers Association of Canada 加拿大红舞鞋舞蹈家协会

Column 4
Canada Tianjin Chamber of Commerce 加拿大天津商会
Canada Golden Maple International Film Festival Society 加拿大金枫叶国际电影协会
Canadian Chinese Culture Heritage Foundation 加拿大中华传统文化基金会
CCSA Fraser Heights Chapter 华联菲莎联合会
Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation 加拿大多元文化教育基金会
COCPDC Promotion Association Montréal 华创会加拿大促进会 蒙特利尔
Canada-China NW General Chamber of Commerce 加拿大西北总商会
Asia Pacific Yacht Association 亚太游艇发展协会
Chinese Photographers Association of Canada 加拿大华人摄影家协会
Canada Youth Robotics Club 加拿大青少年机器人俱乐部
Canada Shenzhen University Alumni Association 加拿大深圳大学校友会
Chinese Language Association of British Columbia 加拿大BC省中文协会
[Canada Shandong Qilu Association of Edmonton] 加拿大爱城齐鲁同乡会 埃德蒙顿
Eternal Love Elite Community Organization of Canada 大爱精英联盟 多伦多
Western Business Alliance 西岸文化基金会
Toronto Traditional Chinese Culture Association 中华传统文化协会 多伦多
[COCPDC Ottawa] 华创加中商会 渥太华
Yunnan General Business Association of Canada 加拿大云南总商会 多伦多
Alliance des Shanghaïens de Montréal 蒙特利尔上海同乡会
Canada International Education Exchange Group 加拿大国际文化教育协会
New West Chinese Society 新西方华人协会
South China Normal University Alumni Association of Vancouver 温哥华华裔师范大学校友会
Love Caravan 筑爱公益会
Chinese Traditional Culture and Arts Association of Ottawa 中国传统文化艺术协会 渥太华
CCSA Golf Club 华联会高尔夫球俱乐部
Kunming Friendship Association of Burnaby 本那比 — 昆明城市友好协会
Shaanxi Sanqin Association of Canada 加拿大陕西三秦联合总会
Chinese Young Entrepreneur Association of Canada 加拿大中华青年企业家协会
Chinese New-Era Cultural and Economic Trading Association of Canada 加拿大时代文化经济促进会
Yue Shan Society 禹山总公所
Chow Oylin Kung Shaw 周爱恋公所
Guangdong Community Association of Canada 加拿大广东社团总会
Teo Chew Society of Vancouver Canada 温哥华潮州同乡会
Canada Chaoshan Business Association 加拿大潮商会
Mah Society of Canada 加拿大马氏宗亲总会
Mah Society of Vancouver 温哥华马氏宗亲会
Hoysun Ningyung Benevolent Association 温哥华台山会馆
Guangxi Business Association Of Canada 广西总商会
Sam Duck Association 三德书社吴蔡翁宗亲会
Chee Dack Gen Tong Society 至德总堂 吴周蔡翁曹宗亲会

Column 5
Wudang Taiji Society of North America 北美武当太极协会
Hangzhou Friendship Society 加拿大杭州同乡会
Zhanjiang Benevolent Association of Canada 加拿大湛江同乡联谊会
Oi-Quan Society of Canada 鸦湖爱群总社
Louie, Fong, Kwong Clansman and Soo Yuen Society 雷方邝溯源总堂
Global Seniors Promotion Association 全球长者促进会
[World Banghu Overseas Chinese General Association] 世界蚌湖华侨联合总会
[Vancouver Banghu Association] 温哥华蚌湖联谊会
Gee How Oak Tin Association of Vancouver 温哥华至孝笃亲公所
Gee’s Fraternal Society 朱氏宗亲会
Jiangsu Benevolent Association of Canada 加拿大江苏同乡联谊总会
Canadian Jiangsu General Entrepreneur Federation 加拿大江苏总商会
Canada United Hakka Association 全加客属联谊会
Chinese Stamps and Numismalic Society of Canada 加拿大中华邮币学会
Senior Chinese Society of Vancouver 温哥华老年华人协会
Ing Suey Sun Tong Association 温哥华伍胥山公所
Kwong Chow Benevolent Association of Canada 加拿大冈州总会馆
Hoy Ping Benevolent Association 全加开平总会馆
Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada 加拿大余风采总堂
Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver 温哥华余风采分堂
Hoy Ping Middle School Alumni Association 开平各中学校友会
Sichuan Chamber of Commerce of Canada 加拿大四川总商会
Canada Sichuan Fellowship Association 加拿大四川同乡会
Hung Hsing Choi Lai Fut Federation of Canada 加拿大雄腾蔡李佛总会
Lim Sai Hor Kow Mock Benevolent Association 林西河总堂九牧公所
Zhongshan Secondary School Alumni Association 中山市各中学校友会
Yin Ping Benevolent Society 恩平总会馆
Cheng Wing Yeong Tong of Canada 郑荣阳总堂
Chin Wing Chun Tong Society 全加陈颍川总堂
Tse Clansmen Association 谢氏宗亲会
Sun Bright Arts Society 锦辉艺术研究社
Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association 温哥华华埠商会
[Canada Hakka General Chamber of Commerce] 加拿大客属总商会
Ming Sun Benevolent Society 民星总社
Zhuhai Friendship Society of Vancouver 珠海联谊会
Lung Kung Tin Yee Association 龙冈亲义公所
Lew Mao Way Tong Society 廖武威堂
Canadian Cultural and Creative Industry Society 加拿大文化创意产业基金会
Shen Zhen Association of Canada 加拿大深圳联谊会
Shung Ying Kung Fu Club 崇英健身会

