Jeff Porter|Politics

Rolling Stone Magazine Loses Its Mind Over A Flag That Rallied The American Spirit

Jeff Porter
5 min readNov 17, 2023

The Magazine Goes Into ‘Pearl Clutch Mode’ Over An Appeal To Heaven Flag Hanging Outside Of Speaker Johnson’s Office

Does this flag strike fear into your heart? Does it annoy you?

Do you know what it is? Where it came from?

Rolling Stone magazine thinks it’s a horrific thing, even though they seem to indicate they know the history of it. Which I think says all you truly should need to understand about Rolling Stone magazine’s political leanings.

Rolling Stone refers to it as ‘Christian extremism’.


Not that controversy over a flag hanging outside the doorway to an office of a United States Representative is new. Or even that it hasn’t happened recently. In fact, the Palestinian flag is likely still hanging outside the doorway of Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s DC office. This, at a time when Hamas — the elected governing body of Gaza — is conducting terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens.

Source: Washington Examiner



Jeff Porter

Husband. Father. Christian. Traveler. Griddler. Manager of stuff. Opinionated. You’ll see.