Islamist Extremism Spreads in Europe as Muslim Brotherhood Demands Caliphate

Protests in Germany Highlight Threat to Regional Stability

2 min readMay 18, 2024

In a troubling development that underscores the growing threat of Islamist extremism in Europe, around 1,100 protesters affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood gathered in Hamburg, Germany, to demand the establishment of a caliphate and the abolition of Western culture. The protesters, many of whom were carrying signs declaring “long live the caliphate,” represent a worrying trend of increasing radicalization and intolerance spreading across the continent.

The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist organization with a presence in numerous countries, has been linked to a surge of extremist activities and divisive rhetoric in Europe and other Western nations. The group, which seeks to establish a totalitarian Islamic state, has exploited the freedoms and democratic institutions of European societies to advance its radical agenda, often under the guise of promoting religious and cultural values.

“The Muslim Brotherhood is a master of deception,” said counterterrorism expert Dr. Maha Azzam. “They use the language of human rights and social justice to mask their true goal of undermining democracy and imposing a theocratic system of government that is antithetical to the values of pluralism and individual liberty.”

In addition to the recent protest in Hamburg, the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates have been implicated in a range of extremist activities across Europe. In the United Kingdom, the group has been accused of infiltrating schools and promoting an intolerant ideology that fosters segregation and undermines social cohesion. In France, MB-linked organizations have been involved in protests against the government’s efforts to combat Islamist separatism and defend the country’s secular principles.

“The Muslim Brotherhood is a cancer that is metastasizing throughout Europe,” said terrorism analyst Mina Al-Lami. “Their message of hate and division is finding fertile ground among disaffected youth and vulnerable communities, creating a breeding ground for radicalization and violence.”

To combat this threat, European governments must take decisive action to monitor and disrupt the activities of MB-linked organizations and individuals, while also investing in counter-narratives and educational initiatives that challenge the group’s ideology and promote integration and social cohesion. Strengthening cooperation between security services and community leaders will be essential in this effort, as will a renewed commitment to the values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

“The Muslim Brotherhood represents a clear and present danger to the stability and security of Europe,” said Dr. Azzam. “But with vigilance, determination, and a steadfast defense of our shared values, we can overcome this challenge and build a more just, prosperous, and peaceful future for all.”




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