
Launch With Laravel-Jetstream! šŸš€

4 min readApr 5, 2022

Laravel-Jetstream is a lightweight, beautifully designed, and easily implementable starter kit for your Laravel application. It enables you to include login, registration, email verification, session management, two-factor authentication, and many more authentication features in your application.

Laravel-Jetstream was introduced to us with Laravel 8 which replaced the legacy Laravel-Authentication UI available in the previous versions of Laravel.

It offers us Livewire or Inertia frontend stack scaffolding and is designed with Tailwind CSS. Inertia and Livewire both are powerful and require specific templating language.

Livewire requires Laravel-Blade as the templating language and will allow the building of modern and dynamic interfaces. Whereas, Inertia goes with Vue.js. Working with Inertia will feel like implementing an application with typical Vue.js but without the complexity of client-side routing.

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Laravel-Jetstream: Under The Hood

The high-level architecture which is the authentication portion of Laravel-Jetstream is powered by Laravel-Fortify. Laravel-Fortify is an authentication backend for Laravel. It is frontend agnostic which means it has no frontend attached to it or how developers say ā€œheadlessā€ authentication system.

If you use Laravel-Fortify in your project you just need to install it and start designing the login, registration, and other pages. But as we know Laravel is a framework that does most of the work for us, its Laravel-Jetstream package takes care of the frontend for us.

So with Laravel-Jetstream, we not only get Laravel-Fortify but also get a demo authentication design ready for us. We just need to change the design in however way we like as Laravel-Jetstream publishes all the view files in our project directory for us.

But unlike other Laravel packages which publish controller files and route files in our application, Laravel-Jetstream lets us manage authentication functionality with Action classes which are found in app/Actions directory. Action classes are there to perform actions required for your project like creating a team or deleting a user.

Installation of Laravel-Jetstream

We know laravel makes everything easier for us. Installing Laravel-Jetstream using Composer is also a piece of cake.

After creating your project with laravel go to your project folder and run the following command to install Laravel-Jetstream in your application,

composer require laravel/jetstream

After installing Laravel-Jetstream it is now time to execute the jetstream:install which will lead the stack you will prefer working within your project, Livewire or Inertia.

Laravel-Jetstream + Livewire:

php artisan jetstream:install livewire

Laravel-Jetstream + Inertia:

php artisan jetstream:install inertia

Finally, run the following commands to wrap up the installation

npm install
npm run dev
php artisan migrate

Features Offered By Laravel-Jetstream

  • Authentication: Laravel-Jetstream mainly works with authentication. It looks if a user who wants to authenticate to your application is registered or not. If so, then let's access to the application or render it back to the user registration page.
  • Register: It provides a user registration page and saves use given information to the database.
  • Email Verification: When registering if you want a user to insert a verified email Laravel-Jetstream can help you with that too.
  • Password Update: Laravel-Jetstream offers password update functionality.
  • Two Factor Authentication: In contrast with Laravelā€™s other starter ki Laravel-Breeze, it offers us two-factor authentication functionality.
  • Profile Management: One of Laravel-Jetstreamā€™s admired features is providing users with a profile page and letting users manage their profile.

To know more and learn the advanced usage of Laravel-Jetstream please visit Laravel-Jetstream Documentation.


Laravel web framework is one of the most popular web frameworks nowadays. Its latest version is Laravel 9 and it has been 10 years since Laravel was first introduced.

Developers of Laravel are always sweating trying to improve features of Laravel, add new features, and even publish more and more library packages so we can code easily. There are several packages in Laravel just for authentication.

So, it gets hard to decide upon a package to use for a specific project. Laravel-Jetstream is quite useful for production level or large projects because it offers more features and can handle more complex situations. One other authentication feature which is Laravel-Breeze is also quite good from where it stands.

To get a better understanding of which authentication package you should choose for your next project, please read our blog Need Authentication Features For Your Project Built With Laravel?

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