K-Drama Mobile application; UXUI case study

8 min readOct 20, 2023


Project overview

The primary purpose of K-drama is to provide a diverse range of entertainment to a global audience. With the Korean Wave in full swing,K-dramas and K-movies captivate viewers with enthralling storytelling, engaging characters, and emotional narratives. They serve as a platform for showcasing Korean culture, promoting the Korean language, and influencing fashion, beauty trends, and music. With a multitude of purposes ranging from entertainment and cultural representation to education and economic impact, K-dramas act as a medium for a cultural phenomenon with a far-reaching influence on various aspects of popular culture and society.


30 days

Market Trend

Indian fans actively engaged with K-drama and K-pop content on social media platforms. Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube were particularly popular for discussions, fan art, and sharing content.Dedicated fan clubs and online communities emerged, bringing together Indian fans who shared a common interest in Korean entertainment. These communities often organized events and fan gatherings😍.

Problem statement

“In the fast-paced world of K-drama enthusiasts, there’s a pressing need for up-to-the-minute Korean updates. Unfortunately, even the existing mobile applications and websites fall short in delivering a seamless user experience and intuitive user interface, causing considerable frustration among fans. Despite the overwhelming love for K-drama, a few hurdles like these have held some enthusiasts back from fully immersing themselves in the experience.”


Providing users to a best platform to follow K dramas, and ensure a easy access a vast library of K-dramas, Allow users to discuss episodes, share reviews, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Integrating social media sharing options can also help in spreading the word about the k drama app.

  1. User Research and Understanding:

Conduct extensive user research to understand the demographics, preferences, and pain points of your target audience.

2.User-Friendly Design:

  • Prioritise a clean and intuitive user interface (UI) design that allows users to navigate the app effortlessly.
  • Implement responsive design to ensure a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes.

3. Personalisation:

  • Offer personalised recommendations based on users’ viewing history and preferences.
  • Allow users to create profiles and customize their content preferences.

4. Content Accessibility:

  • Ensure a vast and diverse library of K-drama content, including subtitles in multiple languages.
  • Enable offline viewing for users with limited or unstable internet connectivity.

5. Engagement and Interaction:

  • Incorporate features for users to engage with content, such as likes, comments, and sharing.
  • Include interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and discussion forums related to K-dramas.

6. Search and Discovery:

  • Implement robust search functionality with filters for genres, actors, directors, and release years.
  • Provide comprehensive information about each K-drama, including cast, synopsis, and user reviews.

7. Accessibility and Inclusivity:

  • Ensure accessibility features for users with disabilities, such as closed captions and voiceover support.
  • Offer content in multiple languages to cater to a diverse audience.

8. Performance and Speed:

  • Optimize app performance to ensure quick loading times and smooth streaming.

9. Community Building:

  • Create a sense of community by allowing users to connect with fellow K-drama enthusiasts.

10.Data Security and Privacy:

  • Prioritize user data security and privacy, complying with relevant data protection regulations.
  • Clearly communicate your privacy policy to users.

By focusing on these goals and points, you can create a user-centric K-drama mobile application that not only meets the needs of your audience but also fosters a loyal and engaged user community.

Korean dramas, known for their compelling narratives, intricate characters, and emotional depth, have found a dedicated fan base among Indian youth. The relatable themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery resonate with audiences, transcending cultural boundaries. The binge-worthy nature of K-dramas, often blending romance, comedy, and drama seamlessly, makes them a perfect escape for young Indians.


Here i planed to conduct primary research method to collect Information and followed design thinking process. 1st i planned to conduct a user interview for this data collection, I selected some direct competitors and passionate KDarma followers. Here i’m explains how i sort out the users problems.

1. User interviews

“As part of our commitment to continually improving our products showcasing their real-world impact, we conduct user interviews to capture firsthand experiences and insights. These interviews serve as valuable testimonials and provide a deeper understanding of how our offerings benefit our users. Below I attach the questions I asked during an interview.


  1. “Can you describe your ideal user experience when using a K-drama mobile app? What features or functionalities would make it perfect for you?”
  2. “What frustrations or challenges have you encountered while using existing K-drama mobile apps, and how do you think they could be improved?”
  3. “How do you typically navigate through episodes and seasons when watching K-dramas? What improvements can be made to enhance your ease of use?”
  4. “When searching for K-dramas to watch, what filters or search criteria are most important to you? Are there any additional search options you’d like to see?”
  5. “In your opinion, what role do subtitles and language options play in the overall user experience of a K-drama app?
  6. “How important is it for you to engage with other users, such as discussing episodes or sharing recommendations, within the K-drama app? Are there any social features you’d like to see?”
  7. “What kind of personalization or recommendation features would enhance your K-drama viewing experience? How can the app better understand your preferences?”
  8. “Can you share any specific interactions or design elements from other apps or platforms that you find particularly user-friendly and think could be incorporated into a K-drama app?”
  9. “What would make you more likely to use a K-drama mobile app regularly? Are there any incentives or rewards you’d like to see for loyal users?”
  10. “If you could redesign the entire user interface of a K-drama mobile app, what changes or improvements would you prioritize to make it more enjoyable and intuitive?”

These questions are helped me to understood gather insights directly from potential users, enabling me to tailor the K-drama mobile application’s user experience design to meet their needs and preferences effectively.

Competitive analysis

Here I Selected 3 direct competitors to identify their pros and corns. Viki, drama fever and my frama list, this three are providing korean interesting thing to their users. Here i explaining the 3 competitors visually, Interface elements and user experience status.

Here the 3 competitors are providing good outputs to the korean enthusiast. over all visuals and user experience is smooth and clean. in addition they all considered all enthusiastic pulse😃 that we can feel every sections. Here i want to consider so-many things while making KDrama mobile application .

User Persona

“In our pursuit of user-centric design and development, we have created user personas to better understand and empathize with the individuals who interact with our products or services. This is actually fictional characters that represent different segments of our target audience, embodying their needs, behaviors, and motivations.

These personas serve as a compass guiding our design decisions, ensuring that our solutions align with the real-world needs and aspirations of our users. The personas presented below are the result of extensive research, including user interviews, surveys, and data analysis.

Empathy Map

“In our ongoing journey to create user-centric solutions, we utilize empathy maps to delve deeper into the thoughts, emotions, and perspectives of our target audience.

Here the empathy map presented below is a result of careful research, including user interviews, observations, and feedback analysis. It encapsulates the feelings, needs, goals, and pain points of our users in a concise and actionable format.

Market trends

It’s important to note that the popularity of K-dramas can vary by region and individual preferences. However, K-dramas did have a significant following among Indian youth and young adults due to their relatable storytelling, engaging characters, and cultural appeal.

  1. Teenagers and Young Adults (13–24): K-dramas appealed significantly to teenagers and young adults in India. This age group found the coming-of-age themes, school settings, and romantic storylines relatable. They often engaged in discussions on social media platforms, created fan content, and participated in fan communities.
  2. Young Professionals (25–34): Many young professionals in their late twenties and early thirties were also avid viewers of K-dramas. They appreciated the diverse range of genres K-dramas offered and enjoyed the high-quality production values. K-dramas provided a way to unwind and escape from the stresses of work.
  3. Parents and Older Adults (35+): While K-dramas were more popular among younger demographics, there were viewers in the 35+ age group who also enjoyed them. Some older viewers appreciated the family-oriented themes and historical dramas. Additionally, some parents watched K-dramas with their children.



Sketching is the next step in my design process for Credible. At this stage, I put pen to paper to start visualising the ideas and user flows. These sketches act as the initial blueprints for the app, laying the foundation for the eventual interface.

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

In the ideation phase of the Credible project, creating Low-fidelity wireframes was a key step in transforming the abstract ideas into more concrete, visualised concepts. This was a crucial part of the design process as it helped to define the structure, layout, and functionality of the Credible platform.

Lets talk design

In the design phase of the Credible app, I leverage the insights gathered from my research phase and the structure laid down during the ideation and sketching phases to craft a visually engaging and easy-to-use app interface. This phase is where I worked on the high-fidelity design of the app and turn my ideas into a concrete, tangible design that users can interact with.

Fonts and Colors

About the screens

Here i’m listed only few pages, pages are : 1.sign in, 2. home page, 3.Forum page(Post uploading and discussion page), 4.Profile. Below i added the explanation about how the page works and re-directions please read the descriptions.

Sign in page , users can log or create a new account from here, after signup or log in the page re direct to the next page is category selection page, Different category users can choose from the page or skip to the next page. The home my feed and notification will comes based on the category selections.
The home screen my feed based on the category selections. Home screen design is minimal and clean ,Users have filters option like Trending, celebrities, k drama, gossips, etc. Thats why the user can find very easily the stories as per their wish and they can save the stories and continue reading at any time. The navigations are Home, Forum, Saved, Profile.
Forum basically a discussion section like read and post stories and others can like and comment, do dislikes and put comments etc. that kind of a interesting section.This is the forum uploading screen, users can post their content like this and add links and multiple image. They have a other option to edit and delete after posting the post. Here the forum have a vote section like if users vote story the story will come up on the forum page. the 1st coming user will see the most voted posts.
The profile users can change account basic information from account details, My forum for posting posts, saved list for already saved stories, Notification is based on the category selection and followers updates, Categories for changing selected category or selecting new category.

This are the few screens listed here, I hope you all are read and like this.!! KDrama mobile application is available now in the app store. I believe the korean enthusiast will definitely like and useful this.

You can check Kdrama Application Here.

Thank you guys for reading, It has been a very educational and very trending project. I really hope y’all enjoyed it as well and also found something useful.

You can connect with me on LinkedIn Here

