Dodge These 20 UI/UX Design Traps for Stellar Results! (Part 1)

Zee Shawn
11 min readMar 19, 2023


Unleash the potential of your UI/UX designs by learning how to circumvent 20 common design traps.

1. Ignoring user feedback 🙉

Imagine you’ve designed an e-commerce website that sells clothing. During the initial launch, you receive several comments and reviews from users indicating that the filtering system on the website is difficult to use. They report that they can’t easily find the items they’re looking for due to the lack of filter options for size, color, and price.

However, instead of addressing this feedback and making improvements to the filtering system, you decide to focus on adding new features, like a virtual dressing room, thinking that it will boost engagement.

By disregarding the user feedback and not addressing the issues with the filtering system, you create a frustrating experience for your users, potentially leading to a loss of customers and lower conversion rates. This is a clear example of ignoring user feedback, which can have a negative impact on the overall user experience and business success. Always prioritize user feedback to ensure you meet their needs and expectations.🎯

Here are more examples:

  1. Disregarding usability concerns: Users report that a complex multi-step registration process is causing frustration and drop-offs. Ignoring this feedback and not simplifying the process will only drive potential customers away. Listen to your users, and make their journey seamless!
  2. Overlooking feature requests: Numerous users request a dark mode for your app. By not addressing this popular demand, you risk alienating a portion of your user base. Stay attentive to user needs and keep them engaged with your product.
  3. Neglecting bug reports: Users consistently report issues with your website’s navigation on certain browsers. Failing to fix these issues can result in a negative user experience, pushing users to seek alternatives. Stay proactive and show your users you care about their experience!
  4. Ignoring localization feedback: Users from different countries suggest that certain phrases or design elements are not culturally appropriate or clear. Disregarding this feedback could lead to misunderstandings and limit your product’s reach. Embrace diversity and make your design universally appealing!
  5. Overlooking performance complaints: Users report slow loading times, which hinder their experience on your website or app. Ignoring these concerns and not optimizing performance will frustrate users, impacting retention and conversions. Prioritize a smooth experience and keep your users coming back!

Always remember, your users are at the heart of your product. Their feedback is invaluable for improving your UI/UX design and ensuring success! 🎯 #UIUX #userfeedback #persuasive #design

2. Overloading with features ⚙️

You’ve developed a mobile app with a signup process that includes a password field. Multiple users send feedback suggesting the addition of a “show/hide password” toggle, as they find it difficult to ensure they’ve entered their password correctly without being able to see it.

Despite this feedback, you choose not to implement the password visibility toggle and focus on other aspects of the app instead. This decision ignores the users’ needs and could lead to frustration, a higher likelihood of errors, and a decreased user satisfaction. Addressing user feedback, even for small features, can greatly improve the overall user experience.

Here are some more examples:

  1. Excessive social sharing options: Adding too many social media sharing buttons to a blog or e-commerce website can create clutter and confusion, detracting from the main content and core functionalities.
  2. Unnecessary customization options: Incorporating excessive customization options for a note-taking app, such as a wide range of font styles, colors, and formatting options, can overwhelm users and divert attention from the app’s primary purpose of taking notes quickly and efficiently.
  3. Redundant navigation menus: Including multiple navigation menus, such as top, side, and bottom menus, in a small business website can lead to a confusing user experience, making it harder for users to find the information they need.
  4. Overcomplicated email client: Adding too many features to an email client, like built-in calendar, task manager, and chat functionality, can create a cluttered interface and a steep learning curve, detracting from the core purpose of sending and receiving emails.
  5. Excess image editing tools: Incorporating a large number of image editing tools and filters in a photo-sharing app can overwhelm users, making it difficult for them to focus on the app’s main goal of sharing and discovering images.

3. Neglecting accessibility ♿️

Imagine a job search website that offers a search functionality to find job postings. The designer chooses a light gray font color on a white background for the search filters and job listings, aiming for a sleek and modern design.

However, this color combination results in low contrast, making it difficult for users with vision impairments, such as color blindness or low vision, to read the text and interact with the website effectively.

By neglecting accessibility and not considering the needs of all potential users, the designer has created an exclusionary experience for some users, preventing them from fully engaging with the website. In UI/UX design, it’s crucial to consider accessibility and create inclusive experiences for all users.

Here are few more examples:

  1. Insufficient keyboard navigation: Not providing proper keyboard navigation support, like tabindex, makes it difficult for users who rely on keyboard-only interaction, such as those with motor impairments, to use your website or app effectively.
  2. Lack of proper ARIA labels and roles: Not using ARIA labels and roles in your HTML elements can make it hard for screen reader users, such as those with visual impairments, to understand the structure and interact with the content on your website or app.
  3. Inaccessible multimedia content: Not providing captions, transcripts, or audio descriptions for videos and audio files makes it challenging for users with hearing impairments to access and understand the content.
  4. Ineffective use of color: Relying solely on color to convey information or using low-contrast color combinations can make it difficult for users with color blindness or low vision to interpret your content and navigate your website or app.
  5. Non-responsive design: Not designing your website or app to be responsive across different devices and screen sizes can create an inaccessible experience for users with varying needs, such as those who use screen magnifiers or require larger text sizes for readability.

4. Disregarding responsive design 📱💻

Ignoring responsive design means making a website or app that doesn’t change nicely when you use it on different things like phones, tablets, or computers. When this happens, it can be hard for people to use the website or app, and they might not want to come back. Good designers make sure everything works well and looks nice on all screens! 😊

An example of responsive layout

Here are few examples:

  1. Fixed-width layouts: Creating a website with a fixed-width layout that doesn’t adapt to different screen sizes will lead to poor user experience on mobile devices, tablets, and even various desktop screens. Embrace fluid layouts that scale smoothly across all devices!
  2. Non-responsive images: Using large, non-optimized images that don’t scale or adjust according to screen size can slow down your website, especially on mobile devices. Implement responsive image techniques to ensure fast loading times and a visually appealing experience!
  3. Inflexible typography: Not adjusting font sizes and line spacing for different devices can result in illegible or uncomfortable text, impacting user engagement. Opt for responsive typography to ensure readability and a pleasant experience on all devices!
  4. Inaccessible navigation menus: Designing navigation menus that work well on desktop but become challenging to use on mobile or touch devices will deter users from exploring your website. Adopt mobile-friendly navigation patterns that ensure seamless browsing across all screens!
  5. Ignoring touch targets: Not considering touch targets for buttons and links on your website will make it difficult for mobile users to interact with your content. Design with touch in mind, providing adequately sized touch targets to enhance usability!

By learning from these examples and prioritizing responsive design, you’ll create a fantastic user experience that works flawlessly across all devices, ensuring user satisfaction and engagement! 🎯 #UIUX #responsivedesign #webdesign #mobilefriendly

5. Cluttered layouts 🗑️

A cluttered layout refers to a website or app design that is filled with too many elements, making it look messy and hard to understand. It can confuse users and make it difficult for them to find the information they need or complete tasks.

Here are 5 examples of cluttered layouts:

  1. Overuse of ads: A website filled with too many advertisements, pop-ups, and banners can distract users and make it hard to focus on the actual content.
  2. Excessive use of fonts and colors: Using too many different font styles and colors can create visual chaos and make it difficult for users to read and understand the content.
  3. Dense navigation menus: Complicated and multi-level navigation menus with many items can confuse users and make it challenging to navigate the website or app.
  4. Unorganized content: Presenting content without proper headings, subheadings, or logical structure can overwhelm users and make it hard for them to find relevant information.
  5. Lack of whitespace: Not using enough whitespace around text, images, and other elements can make a layout feel cramped and difficult to comprehend.

By avoiding cluttered layouts, designers can create a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate experience that keeps users engaged and satisfied.

6. Vague CTAs ❓

Vague CTAs (call-to-actions) refer to unclear or ambiguous prompts in a website or app that can confuse users and reduce the likelihood of them taking the desired action. Clear and specific CTAs help guide users effectively and contribute to a better overall user experience.

Here are 5 examples of vague CTAs in UI/UX:

  1. Generic button text: Using generic text like “Click Here” or “Submit” instead of more descriptive phrases such as “Download Now” or “Subscribe to Newsletter” can make it unclear what action the user is taking. #ClearCTAs
  2. Ambiguous icons: Utilizing unclear or unfamiliar icons without labels, such as a cryptic symbol for sharing content, can leave users guessing about the intended action. #IconsWithLabels
  3. Overly stylized CTAs: Designing CTAs with unconventional shapes or styles that make them difficult to recognize as actionable buttons can cause confusion. #RecognizableCTAs
  4. Hidden CTAs: Placing CTAs in unexpected locations, like the bottom of a long page or blending them with the background, can make them hard to find and less likely to be clicked. #VisibleCTAs
  5. Inconsistent design: Using different colors, fonts, and styles for various CTAs can make it challenging for users to identify them as consistent, actionable elements. #ConsistentCTAs

By avoiding vague CTAs and focusing on clear, concise, and easily recognizable call-to-action elements, designers can boost user engagement and improve conversion rates. #UIUX #EffectiveCTAs

7. Inconsistent design elements ⚠️

Inconsistent design elements refer to variations in the visual and interactive components of a website or app that can lead to confusion, negatively impacting the user experience. Consistency in design helps users to understand and navigate the interface more effectively, creating a cohesive and harmonious experience.

Here are 5 examples of inconsistent design elements in UI/UX:

  1. Mismatched color schemes: Using different color schemes across various pages or sections can create visual dissonance, making it harder for users to associate elements with specific actions or content.
  2. Inconsistent typography: Employing various font styles, sizes, and weights throughout the website or app can make the content appear disorganized and challenging to read.
  3. Varying button styles: Utilizing different shapes, colors, or hover effects for buttons across the interface can confuse users about which elements are interactive and clickable.
  4. Inconsistent iconography: Using a mix of flat and 3D icons, or employing different icon styles for similar actions, can make it difficult for users to understand their purpose and function.
  5. Diverse navigation patterns: Implementing different navigation patterns, such as horizontal menus on one page and vertical menus on another, can cause confusion and hinder users from finding the information they need.

By maintaining consistency in design elements, designers can create a cohesive and user-friendly interface that enhances user satisfaction and improves overall usability. #UIUX #ConsistentDesignElements

8. Poor typography choices. 📝

Poor typography choices refer to the selection and implementation of fonts, sizes, and styles that negatively impact the readability, legibility, and aesthetics of a website or app. Good typography choices contribute to a pleasant user experience and ensure that content is easily comprehensible.

Here are 5 examples of poor typography choices in UI/UX:

  1. Overuse of fonts: Employing an excessive number of different font types can create visual chaos, making it difficult for users to follow and comprehend the content.
  2. Small font sizes: Using small font sizes can hinder readability, especially for users with vision impairments, leading to discomfort and frustration.
  3. Insufficient line spacing: Neglecting to provide adequate space between lines of text can cause the content to appear cluttered, making it challenging to read.
  4. Low contrast: Choosing font colors that don’t have enough contrast with the background can strain users’ eyes and result in illegibility, impacting accessibility for users with visual impairments.
  5. Inappropriate font styles: Utilizing decorative or overly stylized fonts for body text or important information can make the content harder to read and understand.

By making thoughtful typography choices and prioritizing readability and legibility, designers can create a user-friendly interface that ensures a pleasant and accessible experience for all users. #UIUX #Typography #Readability

9. Slow-loading pages ⏳

Slow-loading pages refer to websites or apps that take an excessive amount of time to load and display content, negatively affecting user experience. Users expect quick and seamless access to information, and slow-loading pages can lead to frustration, higher bounce rates, and reduced user engagement.

Here are 5 examples of factors contributing to slow-loading pages in UI/UX:

  1. Large image files: Using high-resolution images without proper optimization can significantly increase page load times, especially on mobile devices with limited bandwidth.
  2. Excessive use of animations: Overloading a page with numerous or complex animations can slow down the loading process and hinder performance, particularly on older devices or slower connections.
  3. Inefficient code: Poorly written or bloated code, such as unnecessary JavaScript libraries or redundant CSS styles, can increase the time it takes for a page to load and render.
  4. Multiple web fonts: Using several different web fonts can increase the number of HTTP requests, slowing down page load times as each font file needs to be fetched from the server.
  5. Lack of caching: Not implementing caching strategies or leveraging browser caching can result in slower load times, as resources need to be fetched from the server for each visit.

By addressing these factors and prioritizing page load speed, designers can create a more enjoyable and efficient user experience, keeping users engaged and satisfied. #UIUX #PageSpeed #Performance

Part 2 coming tommorow which will include examples and details about the remaining which are below:

10. Ineffective navigation. 🧭

11. Skipping usability testing. 🧪

12. Ignoring color psychology. 🎨

13. Overusing animations. 🎭

14. Failing to establish a visual hierarchy. 🔝

15. Forgetting about microinteractions. 🖐️

16. Missing error feedback. ❌

17. Prioritizing aesthetics over function. 🎭

18. Neglecting mobile-first design. 📲

19. Ignoring performance optimization. 🚀

20. Overlooking user onboarding. 👥



Zee Shawn

$100M+ in Clients Revenue | High-converting designs for brands & businesses | Founder of UIFry & Xeon Agency ($1.2M/Y)