Marian Voicu
1 min readOct 13, 2016


Hi Derek,

Thank you for your feedback.

Maybe you are to anchored into your workflow with Illustrator, and I don’t say it is a bad thing if this works for you. But you kinda contradict yourself by first saying that Sketch is crap and then you state that “Illustrator have been busy adding all of Sketch’s features over the past year” — if Sketch is crap, why has Illustrator adopted it’s features?

I’m not badmouthing Adobe — I use Adobe’s tools almost daily — I’m just expressing my disappointment regarding its Interface Design and Prototyping Tools.

I did not cite any specific examples because this wasn’t that type of article, but I referred one of Adam Howell in which you could find this kind of information:

By saying that “there’s Adobe XD for the Fireworks fans” — it’s a bit wrong, and to convince yourself just look at this features request thread from

You will find that there are a lot of improvement requests for Adobe XD, especially for Design Mode. So, XD is not a good design tool — more of a prototyping one.

Oh — and how often do you implement your design, let’s say in HTML/CSS, and how does Illustrator helps you implement your design? Or how often do you work with development teams and how they feel with implementing from Illustrator files?

