Justice League Review

God vs Demons

Yash Chauhan
8 min readNov 23, 2017

Hello Folks,
As I said before in my first blog, just before the Christmas Taika Waititi had given us a gift that all us movie-maniac people are waiting for, but how can we forget that there is another surprise gift was left to be open. And here it is; Justice league directed by Zack Snyder just released on 17th November that’s actually the 25th anniversary of the Death of Superman in the comics which seems cool Right! My excitement level was too high for this month because as a comic-book fan both MARVEL and DC are releasing their one of the biggest production movies in the same month. First Thor and now it’s Justice League. I can say that this is my “the” best movie month ever.

As we all know that it’s based on DC comics and the characters of DC comics are so much aggressive and powerful. But as per the past movie experiences after Batman’s Dark Knight Trilogy to till Wonder Woman all films were not as effective as they should be. So Warner Bros has some big challenges to deal with. In addition, they’re coming with some new characters that’s why the challenge became more tougher. But as per my experience, all characters did a good job. Just because of time limitation they can not present themselves more. Regardless of critics, it accomplished it’s goal and movie did exactly what it needed to do. Yeah, there are so many loopholes but it’s a starting phase of DCEU that’s why we can ignore minor issues. But I’m happy with DC & Warner Bros that they bring colors in their movies.

The best thing about this film is its characters, which is a most important thing. As you all know that MCU first does solo films and then bring them all together and make one team up movie. But here in DCEU it is totally opposite. That’s why if they had the wrong actors like if they didn’t work then they have all the other films that they have planned coming up really soon that would be the disaster. But fortunately it didn’t happen here and everyone did a great job. So let’s start with the characters. The Flash, the fastest man played by Ezra Miller. As per the Miller’s Flash feels like it completely different and

distinct character than Grant Gustine’s Flash even though they are playing the same character. But Millar’s character seems completely unique while at the same time being very true to who Barry Allen is in the comics. In this movie flash is just in his starting phase, that’s why he is not enough faster to beat superman. So don’t get shocked if you had watch Superman to beat him in the film. Flash looks way cooler than it does on a tv show because it’s a $300M movie so they have an ungodly special effects budget to make everything look super cool. He also mentioned that he has no friends so that we can figure that he is still a baby flash. Due to 50 minutes of cuts, we missed Irish West character but yeah there is one easter egg where he said that “He is fluent in Gorilla Sign Language” so you know what I mean, Gorilla Grodd in the future flash solo film. Let’s move forward to another new character Aquaman played by Jason Momoa. He is quite funny who initially doesn’t interested to work with Bat-team. The best joke which was spoken by him by pointing on Batman “You dressed like Bat but I dig it!” and it was clicked so nicely. Another new character is Cyborg played by Ray Fisher. Only his brain works normally the rest of the body was based on mechanical parts, but he can control almost every computer-based equipment and also convert his arms into many other shapes. And the other rest characters including SUPERMAN, BATMAN and WONDER WOMAN which are already featured in their solo films so no need to explain. But here I would like to add that once again I’m very impressed with Gal Gadot who did a great job with her character.

PLOT: At the beginning of the movie Wonder Woman knew first about Para-demons and she went to Batman and asked him to help her to save the earth. Then Bruce and Diana together built a team and going against to Para-demons. Cameo by Marc McClure who is the Prison guard who was saved by Cyborg (sixth image), the actor who played Jimmy Olsen in the Cristopher Reeve-Era Superman Movie. After the first half, the film really picks up. In a movie, there are so many comic-book easter eggs and so many crazy moments which blow your mind. And the best scene was Superman’s entry and I can say that it became my one of the favourite scene. It was so well directed that you can’t stop yourself by shouting. From the deleted scene where the Flash goes back in time through the Flashpoint to tell Batman how to defeat evil Superman and said him “Lois is the key” and the rest, you’ve seen.

During the first fight with Steppenwolf, Wonder woman banging her gauntlet on her shield it almost looks like that shot from Avengers: Age Of Ultron where Thor bangs his hammer on Captain America’s shield to create a lighting throw. At the end of the film is of a big tease for the new Hall of Justice where Wonder Woman says yes and added: “make room for more” which teasing that in the future we’ll see other members of the Justice League soon. And they also spotted Green Lantern and Shazam in the flashback scene, so there is a chance that we will see Green Lanter and Shazam in upcoming Justice League movie otherwise there is no sense to including them in a movie.

I have noticed major visual changes (ex: above image) in the final act when the Justice League go to Russia to take down Steppenwolf. In the first trailer, the scenes for this part of the film all have a bluish colour, whereas in a movie this changed quite drastically to red. The decision to have red skies might be a comic-book reference to the red skies from the crisis on the Infinity Earths

storyline. Steppenwolf flashback scene where we all spotted to Green Lantern at the beginning of the movie is about the 5000 years ago, but in the comics, we know first Green Lantern who was around 2000 years ago. So it clears that he is not a specific one from the comics. But it was just evidence that the Green Lantern corp exists in the universe and they’re out there somewhere. And Steppenwolf also mentioned them in a trailer by saying

“ No Protectors Here; No Lanterns and No Kryptonian… This World Will Fall”

While everyone agreed to make Superman alive Flash says this gonna be a Pet Sematary situation. So actually what does it mean? It is a horror story about a little kid where he buries his cat in this Indian burial ground cemetery and it comes back to life but it comes back evil.

While the characters are the strongest part of the film I feel like the weakest part of the film is the actual like cutting and edit of the film, it jumps around sooooo much it’s like big moment to big moment and missing those chit-chat moment where superheroes planning to beat the villain. One of the biggest problems with DC movies is the CGI which is heavy use of CG. You look at films like Suicide Squad, Batman vs Superman, Wonder woman or take any of looks like it is constructed inside of computers. And its kind of the same thing in Justice League. But it is improved than the previous movies so I am okay with that. One other weakest point with the character of Steppenwolf. Don’t know why but he seems so weak in the movie. Superman hit him like he means nothing but just played small villain character. The main reason could be the Warner Bros order to make it under 2 hours. So that it’s getting very hard to explain each of the characters and then doing a team up and then you can bring up the main villain. Here DC introduced almost new characters like Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg to whom no one would have familiar with so it is getting very hard to wrap all the things under 2 hours. This film could be around 3 hours but just because of Warner Bros they have to cut about 50 minutes of the film. Zack Snyder is really a great director. He is really good with visual stuff. And you can see his work in this movie too.


One where Barry wanna race against Clark. The first time they have had race against each other on SUPERMAN number 199. After that, they have had much race in comics. This credit was just a comic-book easter egg which does not relate to upcoming movies.

Second one about Lex Luther, who escaped from jail and called to Deathstroke for team-up. Just because of nobody has heard about him and suddenly you’re seeing him with Lex Luther it was just WoW. That is a reference to Injustice and it’s gonna start with Deathstroke and Lex Luther presumably they’ll grab a couple of other evil characters we’ve seen so far may be some Suicide Squad characters.

This does feel like them (WB) saying hey we can actually make a really good film, we know how to do really good with characters. It’s just so many money involved and so many people involved that they have their hand making this that it takes a little while to turn that ship in the ocean. That’s why I’m so excited about future films of DCEU. Warner Bros and DCEU had two major goals to achieve with Justice League, First grab all those user’s attention who turned by BvS and second make viewers enjoy the superheroes enough to watch further screen appearances by then. And Justice League succeeded to accomplished their key objectives. So from my side it’s a big YES, go for it, invest your time in theatre especially in 3D the real one! I am sure that you’ll have fun a lot.

Warner Bros confirmed during Wonder Woman’s promotion that from now they are more focusing on comic-books which seems so good for them. After watching Justice League my ranking for DCEU movies…

  1. Wonder Woman
  2. Justice League
  3. Man of Steel
  4. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
  5. Suicide Squad

Movie: Justice League

Genre: Action, Adventure, Comic-Book

Director: Zack Snyder

Cast: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher

Rating: 8 / 10

