Busting 7 Common Myths About Fostering

UK Fostering
3 min readOct 4, 2016


To meet the needs of children, young people and the foster carers, the foster care community has to maintain some diversity. The objective behind this diversity is to improve the quality of services for the foster kids, but these most of the times become the cause of big misconceptions.

People from all sorts of backgrounds don’t welcome these with the same warmth that gives rise to some myths. If you are also considering fostering in the Hackney but holding back your decision due to these myths about the age, income level, sexuality and marital status, this blog is must read for you.

Fostering is not about your personal characteristics or background; it’s about the life and care you provide to the child. Here are the seven common myths about fostering that stop people from becoming foster parents.

1. Myth: People who are not married cannot become foster parents.

Reality: There are no such restrictions. Anyone who has interest and resources can become foster parent irrespective of their marital status. Whether you are married or single, have your own home or living in a rented home, you have complete right to foster a child.

2. Myth: Fostering and adoption are the same things.

Reality: Fostering and adoption are two different processes. You foster a child for a temporary period until he/she returns back to his parents or relatives while adoption is legally becoming parents of a child. Fostering a child can vary from a few days to several years. The length of a child’s stay with you depends on the situation.

3. Myth: Men cannot become foster carers.

Reality: Around 16% people have the misconception that men cannot become foster parents. In reality, almost half of the foster carers are male. It is not your gender that decides whether you can become a foster carer or not. Understanding, resilience, and energy are the essentials to become a foster parent and improve a child’s life.

4. Myth: Individuals need to have parenting experience to become a foster parent.

Reality: There are so many foster carers who are childless. They are rather more responsible and caring than many parents. If you are committed and show the ability to offer a child better life, you can easily learn parenting skills and can become a foster parent. Foster caring agencies in Hackney provide training and support to the interested individuals to help them become good parents.

5. Myth: Fostering process is difficult that everyone cannot follow.

Reality: Not exactly; it can sometimes take time due to the initial inquiry, investigation process, evaluation, and other formalities, but it is never difficult. Further, the support team at the fostering agencies is always there to guide you at every step and make the process hassle free.

6. Myth: I need to have my own house to become a fostering parent.

Reality: This is not always necessary to have own house to become a foster carer. All you need is to have ample space to provide separate bedroom to the child you foster. Now it can be in a rented home or your own home. There are so many foster carers who don’t own a house and still have children to foster.

7. Myth: All foster children are emotionally disturbed and it is really difficult to handle them.

Reality: Children can be abusive and emotionally disturbed due to their past, but how they behave in future depends on your care and attention. By making them feel special with good relationship and love, you can easily convert an abusive child into a caring one.

Don’t let any myth stop you from taking a noble step in your life. Check the facts and take an informed decision to become a foster parent.



UK Fostering

UK Fostering is an independent provider of fostering services with focus on recruiting resilient carers. http://ukfostering.org.uk/